Updated A Basic Guidebook To Live Selling in Todays Digital World

Updated A Basic Guidebook To Live Selling in Todays Digital World

Jeff Lv8

A Basic Guidebook To Live Selling in Today’s Digital World

The spread of the internet has changed consumer purchasing habits in recent years. Now, social media platforms are the growing digital marketplaces for products. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of online shopping, and people now prefer buying online. This digital shopping mode eliminates the struggle to leave physical spaces in their busy routines.

The same goes for the marketing field, which has revolutionized with live sales. Venders prefer to sell items online to generate the greatest sales without physical systems. If that interests you, get more insights on livestream selling through this article.

live selling and how to perform

Part 1. A Basic Preview To “Live Shopping”

Livestream selling or live shopping refers to live product demonstrations on digital platforms. The retailer or host has to introduce themselves, their store, and sale before describing products. They explain each detail of the products and their prices while holding them in a direct video call. During that, ensure that followers can see the product and interact through comments.

Customers perceive it as a lively shopping experience instead of websites loading products. It creates a sense of connection as people feel like shopping in physical stores. As live selling has a core element of being in real time, people can question and know about the product. Compared with traditional shopping, one can place an order through links mentioned in the livestream.

preview of live selling

Is It Beneficial To Sell Live in This Digital Industry?

Live selling is an emerging way to attract customers to shop on online marketplaces. According to research, 76% of US adults prefer shopping online for clothes and groceries. It focuses on customers’ desire to know about products that generate sales. Thus, it proves beneficial in many terms, among which a few are elaborated below:

1. Engaging and Updating Communication

Businesses can directly engage with a broader audience by entering the live selling industry. They get knowledge about current product trends to introduce similar things. Besides, this method eliminates the need to target customers in-store or via e-mails. Now, businesses can market their product and live sales simultaneously.

2. Reduced Return Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Before live selling, people need to search for what they want by visiting the official sites of brands. Also, they scroll to read honest product reviews for the validity of products. With live selling, customers can view the products and ask questions during the live sessions. Therefore, it lowers the return rates to 40% while increasing customer satisfaction and trust.

3. Potential Growth and Virtual Demonstrations

This online shopping mode has the potential to upscale your business. According to a survey, companies can see top-line growth upward of 25% through live selling. Apart from upscaling, they can see their digital competitors and define new ways to stand out. Sellers can compete by providing discount coupons and virtual demonstrations of products.

Part 2. What’s the Core Elements of a Live Video

Selling products via online videos is a marketing technique that is rapidly growing. Already, 80% of marketers confess that livestream shopping is integral to boosting sales online. If you are going tosell live as a seller, you should read this part for some insights. Here, you will learn the core elements of a live video to make your sale successful:

1. Livestream Selling Platform

To expand the product’s reach, it is essential to carefully select an online live selling platform. It could be a native live shopping platform, social media, or merchant website. As Gen Z and millennials are more attracted to live streaming, social media platforms would be ideal hosts. Many brands are integrating social media with e-commerce to cut the need for two separate apps.

2. Real-Time Session With Host

Upon choosing a suitable platform, a live video session is arranged. For that purpose, you need a host who should seem trustworthy and relatable to the product. There could be more than one person in the live sale to demonstrate products and share tips and benefits. Besides, the host needs to interact with the customers and share thoughts about the product.

3. Points of Product or Video Content

The main object of live selling is to sell products, but the best way is to create hype. In this regard, brands offer special discounts and giveaways valid only during live streams. It increases the tendency of customers to make purchases during the live sessions. The live session must be 20-30 minutes and include click-on links for easy buying.

Significant Statistics To Support Increasing Influence of Live Selling

The concept of livestream sales emerged decades ago but gained a spotlight in 2016 in China. Afterward, it flourished worldwide and grew to 171 billion USD in 2020. An estimation of the US livestream shopping market reveals worth $35 billion by 2024. Live selling is evolving not only in the US but also in other regions of the globe.

Live Streaming Sales in Regions
China 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023
The United States $17 billion in 2023
Europe Influenced 50% more than physical or online Purchasing
Livestream shopping Platforms (US 2022)
Facebook Live 55%
YouTube Live 52%
Instagram 46%
Amazon Live 30%

Part 3. Live Selling Strategies To Boost Revenue

Anyone can live sale online because you have to explain products and respond to queries. Yet not everyone generates the same revenue and gets immense popularity. The reason is operative strategies and tips, which you can use in the below discussion to gear up your shopping stream.

1. Use 24/7 Hours Seamless AI Live Streaming Software

Most sellers are unaware of current digital trends and the right actions for live selling. In that context, you need a platform to provide everything from script to selling videos. However, using Wondershare Virbo Live and staying in a single place is suggested to plan and execute the live shopping. Virbo Live is an AI tool that connects sellers with customers through streaming videos.

  1. **AI Avatar:**Wondershare Virbo Live offers an AI avatar feature for start-ups and small business owners. It eliminates the need for a well-groomed host or managing crew. AI avatars can perfectly mimic your actions with natural movements to engage the audience.
  2. **Q&A Library:**The platform allows the creation of automatic responses with a personalized library of questions. The major advantage of having such an option is that it helps users connect better with the audience.
  3. **Text Interaction:**The quality of content can be easily manipulated and managed across Wondershare Virbo Live. You can provide text to trigger your AI streamer to speak within the live stream.

Compatibility with Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Alibaba, and X(Twitter).

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Create a Complete Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Wondershare Virbo Live is available online and offers a cloud-based service. To fully utilize this live selling strategy, follow these steps and explore this all-in-one tool:

  • Step 1. Access the Main Interface of Virbo Live

Start the process on Wondershare Virbo Live by clicking the “Create Stream Room Now” button. You need to select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the livestream room creation.

create livestream room in virbo

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize the Live Stream Video in Virbo Live

Once you find yourselves in the editing section, add a script you want to use in your live-stream video. While staying in the “Script lines” section, you can add a script in the form of text or audio. If you wish to add an audio script, go to the “Audio” tab and select “Upload local voice.” This voice will then be used across the live stream video in Virbo Live.

add audio script to virbo livestream

  • Step 3. Set Avatar and Other Elements Before Starting Livestreaming

Following this, you can add your required avatars, background, and stickers to the video with the options at the top of the window. Finally, when you are done exploring, hit the “Start livestream” option and live sell on any of the supported platforms.

set avatar background and stickers

2. Pick an Appropriate Date and Time

Another tip to consider is choosing the right time and date for the maximum viewers. In this regard, retailers should avoid a popular shopping period such as Black Friday. In contrast, it is suggested to pick weekends or holidays where customers must be free to join. Also, never choose the working hours of any day and consider the time zones for a global audience.

3. Keep the Conversation Engaging and Funny

Customers can read the product details and see how it looks, so what difference will they get from a live sale? Considering this perspective, sellers should bring something unique to the shopping stream. For this purpose, they can explain the product’s benefits and use cases. Furthermore, they should keep their tone friendly and humorous for the targeted audience.


To summarize, livestream sale s is an emerging concept to boost revenue and sales. As shown in this article, it is fruitful for retailers and significantly contributes to generating sales. Like China’s ever-changing live selling industry, Wondershare Virbo Live is also an emerging tool. It is emerging to change virtual selling dynamics by providing seamless live-stream videos.

The spread of the internet has changed consumer purchasing habits in recent years. Now, social media platforms are the growing digital marketplaces for products. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of online shopping, and people now prefer buying online. This digital shopping mode eliminates the struggle to leave physical spaces in their busy routines.

The same goes for the marketing field, which has revolutionized with live sales. Venders prefer to sell items online to generate the greatest sales without physical systems. If that interests you, get more insights on livestream selling through this article.

live selling and how to perform

Part 1. A Basic Preview To “Live Shopping”

Livestream selling or live shopping refers to live product demonstrations on digital platforms. The retailer or host has to introduce themselves, their store, and sale before describing products. They explain each detail of the products and their prices while holding them in a direct video call. During that, ensure that followers can see the product and interact through comments.

Customers perceive it as a lively shopping experience instead of websites loading products. It creates a sense of connection as people feel like shopping in physical stores. As live selling has a core element of being in real time, people can question and know about the product. Compared with traditional shopping, one can place an order through links mentioned in the livestream.

preview of live selling

Is It Beneficial To Sell Live in This Digital Industry?

Live selling is an emerging way to attract customers to shop on online marketplaces. According to research, 76% of US adults prefer shopping online for clothes and groceries. It focuses on customers’ desire to know about products that generate sales. Thus, it proves beneficial in many terms, among which a few are elaborated below:

1. Engaging and Updating Communication

Businesses can directly engage with a broader audience by entering the live selling industry. They get knowledge about current product trends to introduce similar things. Besides, this method eliminates the need to target customers in-store or via e-mails. Now, businesses can market their product and live sales simultaneously.

2. Reduced Return Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Before live selling, people need to search for what they want by visiting the official sites of brands. Also, they scroll to read honest product reviews for the validity of products. With live selling, customers can view the products and ask questions during the live sessions. Therefore, it lowers the return rates to 40% while increasing customer satisfaction and trust.

3. Potential Growth and Virtual Demonstrations

This online shopping mode has the potential to upscale your business. According to a survey, companies can see top-line growth upward of 25% through live selling. Apart from upscaling, they can see their digital competitors and define new ways to stand out. Sellers can compete by providing discount coupons and virtual demonstrations of products.

Part 2. What’s the Core Elements of a Live Video

Selling products via online videos is a marketing technique that is rapidly growing. Already, 80% of marketers confess that livestream shopping is integral to boosting sales online. If you are going tosell live as a seller, you should read this part for some insights. Here, you will learn the core elements of a live video to make your sale successful:

1. Livestream Selling Platform

To expand the product’s reach, it is essential to carefully select an online live selling platform. It could be a native live shopping platform, social media, or merchant website. As Gen Z and millennials are more attracted to live streaming, social media platforms would be ideal hosts. Many brands are integrating social media with e-commerce to cut the need for two separate apps.

2. Real-Time Session With Host

Upon choosing a suitable platform, a live video session is arranged. For that purpose, you need a host who should seem trustworthy and relatable to the product. There could be more than one person in the live sale to demonstrate products and share tips and benefits. Besides, the host needs to interact with the customers and share thoughts about the product.

3. Points of Product or Video Content

The main object of live selling is to sell products, but the best way is to create hype. In this regard, brands offer special discounts and giveaways valid only during live streams. It increases the tendency of customers to make purchases during the live sessions. The live session must be 20-30 minutes and include click-on links for easy buying.

Significant Statistics To Support Increasing Influence of Live Selling

The concept of livestream sales emerged decades ago but gained a spotlight in 2016 in China. Afterward, it flourished worldwide and grew to 171 billion USD in 2020. An estimation of the US livestream shopping market reveals worth $35 billion by 2024. Live selling is evolving not only in the US but also in other regions of the globe.

Live Streaming Sales in Regions
China 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023
The United States $17 billion in 2023
Europe Influenced 50% more than physical or online Purchasing
Livestream shopping Platforms (US 2022)
Facebook Live 55%
YouTube Live 52%
Instagram 46%
Amazon Live 30%

Part 3. Live Selling Strategies To Boost Revenue

Anyone can live sale online because you have to explain products and respond to queries. Yet not everyone generates the same revenue and gets immense popularity. The reason is operative strategies and tips, which you can use in the below discussion to gear up your shopping stream.

1. Use 24/7 Hours Seamless AI Live Streaming Software

Most sellers are unaware of current digital trends and the right actions for live selling. In that context, you need a platform to provide everything from script to selling videos. However, using Wondershare Virbo Live and staying in a single place is suggested to plan and execute the live shopping. Virbo Live is an AI tool that connects sellers with customers through streaming videos.

  1. **AI Avatar:**Wondershare Virbo Live offers an AI avatar feature for start-ups and small business owners. It eliminates the need for a well-groomed host or managing crew. AI avatars can perfectly mimic your actions with natural movements to engage the audience.
  2. **Q&A Library:**The platform allows the creation of automatic responses with a personalized library of questions. The major advantage of having such an option is that it helps users connect better with the audience.
  3. **Text Interaction:**The quality of content can be easily manipulated and managed across Wondershare Virbo Live. You can provide text to trigger your AI streamer to speak within the live stream.

Compatibility with Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Alibaba, and X(Twitter).

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Create a Complete Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Wondershare Virbo Live is available online and offers a cloud-based service. To fully utilize this live selling strategy, follow these steps and explore this all-in-one tool:

  • Step 1. Access the Main Interface of Virbo Live

Start the process on Wondershare Virbo Live by clicking the “Create Stream Room Now” button. You need to select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the livestream room creation.

create livestream room in virbo

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize the Live Stream Video in Virbo Live

Once you find yourselves in the editing section, add a script you want to use in your live-stream video. While staying in the “Script lines” section, you can add a script in the form of text or audio. If you wish to add an audio script, go to the “Audio” tab and select “Upload local voice.” This voice will then be used across the live stream video in Virbo Live.

add audio script to virbo livestream

  • Step 3. Set Avatar and Other Elements Before Starting Livestreaming

Following this, you can add your required avatars, background, and stickers to the video with the options at the top of the window. Finally, when you are done exploring, hit the “Start livestream” option and live sell on any of the supported platforms.

set avatar background and stickers

2. Pick an Appropriate Date and Time

Another tip to consider is choosing the right time and date for the maximum viewers. In this regard, retailers should avoid a popular shopping period such as Black Friday. In contrast, it is suggested to pick weekends or holidays where customers must be free to join. Also, never choose the working hours of any day and consider the time zones for a global audience.

3. Keep the Conversation Engaging and Funny

Customers can read the product details and see how it looks, so what difference will they get from a live sale? Considering this perspective, sellers should bring something unique to the shopping stream. For this purpose, they can explain the product’s benefits and use cases. Furthermore, they should keep their tone friendly and humorous for the targeted audience.


To summarize, livestream sale s is an emerging concept to boost revenue and sales. As shown in this article, it is fruitful for retailers and significantly contributes to generating sales. Like China’s ever-changing live selling industry, Wondershare Virbo Live is also an emerging tool. It is emerging to change virtual selling dynamics by providing seamless live-stream videos.

10 Free Football Streaming Sites To Bookmark

In today’s digital age, football’s popularity remains unmatched, drawing fans from every corner of the globe. With the advent of technology, accessing live matches has become easier than ever. It’s all thanks to the proliferation of free football streaming websites.

The article introduces 10 platforms where you can catch all the action live. The page also unveils an innovative AI-powered tool that enhances your football streaming experience. The tool provides live-streaming analysis and facilitates live-selling opportunities. Get ready to explore 10 websites for free football streaming like never before.

soccer player about to kick ball

Part 1. Top 10 Free Football Streaming Websites

Football fans worldwide are constantly on the lookout for reliable platforms to stream their favorite matches. Here’s a curated list of the 10best free football streaming sites, each offering unique features and content:

Stream2watch – Watch Sports in Premium Quality

Stream2watch is a popular platform offering sports fans access to premium-quality live streams. It ensures an immersive viewing experience. Stream2watch provides a wide range of sports coverage, including football, with high-definition streams.

stream2watch main window


  • Stream2watch offers streams in premium quality, ensuring an immersive viewing experience.
  • In addition to football, Stream2watch provides coverage of a wide range of sports.
  • The platform’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.


  • You may encounter frequent advertisements that disrupt the viewing experience.
  • During peak times or with slower internet connections, you may experience buffering.

Buffstreams – Watch Games Anywhere in the World

Buffstreams distinguishes itself with its global accessibility. It allows users to watch games from anywhere in the world. Buffstreams offers a diverse selection of sports streams, including football matches.

buffstreams main window


  • Buffstreams allows users to watch games from anywhere in the world.
  • Alongside football, Buffstreams offers streams for various sports.
  • The platform experiences minimal downtime, providing users with reliable access to live streams.


  • The user interface of Buffstreams can be overwhelming. It has numerous links and ads competing for attention.
  • You will encounter pop-up ads while navigating the site, which can be intrusive and disruptive.

Tubi is known for livestreaming popular football leagues. It attracts a wide audience of football fans. Tubi also uses a user-friendly interface and has a diverse content library. It provides an enjoyable viewing experience without the need for a subscription.

tubi main window


  • Tubi boasts an intuitive interface that makes it easy to browse free soccer streams.
  • It offers a diverse content library that includes popular TV shows, movies, and documentaries.
  • Tubi is completely free to use.


  • Its selection of live sports may be limited compared to dedicated sports streaming platforms.
  • Certain football matches may be subject to regional restrictions. It limits access for viewers outside of specific geographical regions.

Footybite – Free Football Live Streaming Service

Footybite caters specifically to football enthusiasts. The platform offers dedicated football streams with minimal ads. It also ensures reliable links for uninterrupted viewing. It’s one of the best soccer streaming websites today.

footybite main window


  • Footybite specializes in providingfree soccer streaming
  • Compared to other free streaming platforms, Footybite features fewer ads.
  • Footybite ensures that users have access to reliable links for live streams.


  • While Footybite excels in providing football live streams, its coverage of other sports may be limited.
  • Footybite may experience occasional downtime during peak times due to high traffic volume.

ESPN – Stream Matches in the US

ESPN is a leading sports network in the US. The network offers access to a wide range of sports content, including live football matches. ESPN provides comprehensive coverage of major leagues and tournaments. It also provides fans in-depth analysis, expert commentary, and official broadcasts of popular events.

espn main window


  • ESPN offers high-quality streams with minimal buffering and interruptions.
  • In addition to live matches, ESPN provides comprehensive sports analysis and commentary.
  • ESPN streams official broadcasts of major leagues and tournaments.


  • ESPN focuses on sports events in the US, which limits its appeal to international viewers.
  • While ESPN is free to access, certain features and premium content require a subscription.

LiveTV – Watch the Premier League Anywhere

LiveTV is a popular platform for providing live streams of the Premier League. It also streams other top football leagues worldwide. It lets fans engage with each other and discuss matches while watching.

livetv main window


  • LiveTV offers access to a wide range of football leagues and tournaments worldwide.
  • The platform supports multiple languages. It allows viewers from different regions to enjoy matches in their preferred language.
  • LiveTV enables users to engage with each other and discuss matches in real-time.


  • The quality of the streams may vary. Some users experience occasional issues such as buffering or low resolution.
  • There are pop-up ads on the site, which can be intrusive and disruptive.

VIP League – Free Sports Streaming Website

VIP League is one of the best websites for free football streaming that caters to fans of various sports, including football. The platform uses a simple interface, and no subscription is required. VIP League offers viewers access to a diverse selection of sports streams from around the world. It’s one of the go-to destinations for sports enthusiasts.

vipleague main window


  • VIP League offers a diverse selection of sports streams. It includes football matches from various leagues and tournaments worldwide.
  • The platform is easy to navigate.
  • VIP League is free to use. You don’t need to pay for access to live sports streams.


  • Some users encounter unreliable links or dead streams.
  • VIP League is filled with ads, which can be frustrating at times.

Sony LIV – Watch Live Sports

Sony LIV is one of the good free football streaming sites in India. It provides access to live sports events, including football matches. With high-quality streams, Sony LIV provides fans with an immersive sports viewing experience.

sonyliv main window


  • Sony LIV offers high-quality streams for live sports events, including football matches.
  • The platform features exclusive sports content, including live matches and highlights.
  • Sony LIV makes it easy for viewers to browse and select their desired football matches.


  • Its availability may be limited outside India, restricting access for international viewers.
  • Certain features and premium content require a subscription, limiting access for users.

Rojadirecta – Biggest Sporting Events Indexer

Rojadirecta is a comprehensive sports indexing website for free soccer streams. It provides access to live streams and updates for major sporting events, including football matches. With no registration required, Rojadirecta offers fans a hassle-free way to access live sports streams.

roja directa main window


  • Rojadirecta serves as an indexer, providing you with access to live streams.
  • The platform features user-generated content, enabling fans to share live streams, highlights, and commentary.
  • Rojadirecta allows users to access live streams and content without registration or subscription.


  • Some content may infringe on copyright laws, exposing users to legal risks.
  • The availability of streams may be inconsistent at times.

BBC iPlayer – Live Games On-Demand

BBC iPlayer is a popular streaming service that offers viewers in the UK access to live games on-demand. The platform offers live streaming for football matches and highlights. BBC iPlayer is preferred for UK viewers looking to catch up on their favorite sports events.

bbc iplayer main window


  • BBC iPlayer ensures a seamless viewing experience for users.
  • The platform delivers high-quality production for live games on-demand, with professional commentary and analysis.
  • BBC iPlayer streams official broadcasts of major events, including football matches.


  • BBC iPlayer primarily focuses on sports events in the UK.
  • Certain content on BBC iPlayer may be subject to geo-restrictions, limiting viewer access outside the UK.

Part 2. How To Use Free Football Streaming Websites?

To maximize your experience with free football streaming websites, consider the following tips:

  • Using a VPN

If a streaming website is geo-restricted in your region, consider using a VPN. A VPN can change your IP address to access a website from a different location. It grants you access to content that may be otherwise unavailable in your area.

  • Optimizing the streaming experience

Ensure a smooth streaming experience by optimizing your internet connection. Close any unnecessary tabs or applications that may be consuming bandwidth. Consider using an ad blocker as well to cut interruptions. Additionally, connect your device via Ethernet for a more stable connection.

  • Understanding copyright laws and alternatives

While free football streaming websites offer convenience, it’s important to be aware of copyright laws. Engaging in illegal streaming may result in legal consequences. Instead, consider legal alternatives such as subscribing to legitimate streaming services. You can also watch matches through official broadcasters’ websites. They provide you with access to high-quality, authorized content.

Part 3. How To Boost Your Football Audience With AI Tools

In today’s digital landscape, engaging with your football audience has never been more crucial. Wondershare Virbo Live is an innovative AI-live streaming tool designed to elevate your football streaming experience. It integrates with football live streams supported by OBS. Virbo Live enables you to host live selling sessions within your stream. Let’s delve into the key features:

wondershare virbo main window

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  • **Stronger customer relationships.**Virbo empowers you to connect with your audience on a deeper level through interactive AI avatars. These avatars can engage with viewers in real-time.
  • **Enhanced digital marketing.**With hundreds of pre-designed assets and templates, Virbo streamlines your digital marketing efforts. Virbo offers everything you need to elevate your football streaming experience.
  • 150+ authentic AI avatars. Choose from over 150 authentic AI avatars to represent your brand on social media platforms. These avatars add a unique touch to your content. They help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
  • **Cross-platform compatibility.**Virbo ensures seamless integration across many platforms. Whether you’re streaming on Twitch, YouTube, or any other platform, it provides the most visibility.

Besides the features above, Virbo Live offers these benefits to enhance your football streaming experience further:

  • Multilingual support: Engage with a global audience by speaking their language. Virbo supports many languages and accents. It allows you to connect with viewers from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • AI Live shopping script generation. Transform your football stream into a dynamic shopping experience with Virbo’s AI-powered live shopping script generation. Showcase products, answer questions, and drive sales within your stream.
  • Cloud-based operation. Enjoy the flexibility of cloud-based streaming with Virbo Live. Streamline your workflow and access your content from anywhere, anytime, with cloud-based operation.
  • 24/7 seamless AI streaming. With Virbo Live, your football stream stays live 24/7. It ensures continuous engagement with your audience even when you’re not streaming.

Now, let’s explore Virbo’s pricing plans (as of Feb 22, 2024), tailored to suit your specific streaming needs:

Creator Plan Business Plan Advanced Plan
$89.9/mo $159.9/mo $599.9/mo
3600 mins/mo live streaming 10800 mins/mo live streaming Unlimited live streaming duration
  • Creator plan. It offers essential features for building your brand presence through live streaming.
  • Business plan. The Business Plan provides advanced tools to take your football streaming to the next level.
  • **Advanced plan.**The Advanced Plan offers premium features to maximize your sales conversion.


Free football streaming websites offer convenience for you to enjoy live matches from the comfort of your home. These platforms provide access to a wide array of content. However, it’s essential to be aware of the risks associated with free soccer streams.

When looking for the best soccer streaming websites, consider using Virbo Live for an enjoyable experience. With its AI-powered features, Virbo Live enhances content sharing, football analysis, and live selling. It ensures a seamless and immersive streaming journey for every football enthusiast. Embrace the future of football streaming with Virbo.

Buffstreams – Watch Games Anywhere in the World

Buffstreams distinguishes itself with its global accessibility. It allows users to watch games from anywhere in the world. Buffstreams offers a diverse selection of sports streams, including football matches.

buffstreams main window


  • Buffstreams allows users to watch games from anywhere in the world.
  • Alongside football, Buffstreams offers streams for various sports.
  • The platform experiences minimal downtime, providing users with reliable access to live streams.


  • The user interface of Buffstreams can be overwhelming. It has numerous links and ads competing for attention.
  • You will encounter pop-up ads while navigating the site, which can be intrusive and disruptive.

Tubi is known for livestreaming popular football leagues. It attracts a wide audience of football fans. Tubi also uses a user-friendly interface and has a diverse content library. It provides an enjoyable viewing experience without the need for a subscription.

tubi main window


  • Tubi boasts an intuitive interface that makes it easy to browse free soccer streams.
  • It offers a diverse content library that includes popular TV shows, movies, and documentaries.
  • Tubi is completely free to use.


  • Its selection of live sports may be limited compared to dedicated sports streaming platforms.
  • Certain football matches may be subject to regional restrictions. It limits access for viewers outside of specific geographical regions.

Footybite – Free Football Live Streaming Service

Footybite caters specifically to football enthusiasts. The platform offers dedicated football streams with minimal ads. It also ensures reliable links for uninterrupted viewing. It’s one of the best soccer streaming websites today.

footybite main window


  • Footybite specializes in providingfree soccer streaming
  • Compared to other free streaming platforms, Footybite features fewer ads.
  • Footybite ensures that users have access to reliable links for live streams.


  • While Footybite excels in providing football live streams, its coverage of other sports may be limited.
  • Footybite may experience occasional downtime during peak times due to high traffic volume.

ESPN – Stream Matches in the US

ESPN is a leading sports network in the US. The network offers access to a wide range of sports content, including live football matches. ESPN provides comprehensive coverage of major leagues and tournaments. It also provides fans in-depth analysis, expert commentary, and official broadcasts of popular events.

espn main window


  • ESPN offers high-quality streams with minimal buffering and interruptions.
  • In addition to live matches, ESPN provides comprehensive sports analysis and commentary.
  • ESPN streams official broadcasts of major leagues and tournaments.


  • ESPN focuses on sports events in the US, which limits its appeal to international viewers.
  • While ESPN is free to access, certain features and premium content require a subscription.

LiveTV – Watch the Premier League Anywhere

LiveTV is a popular platform for providing live streams of the Premier League. It also streams other top football leagues worldwide. It lets fans engage with each other and discuss matches while watching.

livetv main window


  • LiveTV offers access to a wide range of football leagues and tournaments worldwide.
  • The platform supports multiple languages. It allows viewers from different regions to enjoy matches in their preferred language.
  • LiveTV enables users to engage with each other and discuss matches in real-time.


  • The quality of the streams may vary. Some users experience occasional issues such as buffering or low resolution.
  • There are pop-up ads on the site, which can be intrusive and disruptive.

VIP League – Free Sports Streaming Website

VIP League is one of the best websites for free football streaming that caters to fans of various sports, including football. The platform uses a simple interface, and no subscription is required. VIP League offers viewers access to a diverse selection of sports streams from around the world. It’s one of the go-to destinations for sports enthusiasts.

vipleague main window


  • VIP League offers a diverse selection of sports streams. It includes football matches from various leagues and tournaments worldwide.
  • The platform is easy to navigate.
  • VIP League is free to use. You don’t need to pay for access to live sports streams.


  • Some users encounter unreliable links or dead streams.
  • VIP League is filled with ads, which can be frustrating at times.

Sony LIV – Watch Live Sports

Sony LIV is one of the good free football streaming sites in India. It provides access to live sports events, including football matches. With high-quality streams, Sony LIV provides fans with an immersive sports viewing experience.

sonyliv main window


  • Sony LIV offers high-quality streams for live sports events, including football matches.
  • The platform features exclusive sports content, including live matches and highlights.
  • Sony LIV makes it easy for viewers to browse and select their desired football matches.


  • Its availability may be limited outside India, restricting access for international viewers.
  • Certain features and premium content require a subscription, limiting access for users.

Rojadirecta – Biggest Sporting Events Indexer

Rojadirecta is a comprehensive sports indexing website for free soccer streams. It provides access to live streams and updates for major sporting events, including football matches. With no registration required, Rojadirecta offers fans a hassle-free way to access live sports streams.

roja directa main window


  • Rojadirecta serves as an indexer, providing you with access to live streams.
  • The platform features user-generated content, enabling fans to share live streams, highlights, and commentary.
  • Rojadirecta allows users to access live streams and content without registration or subscription.


  • Some content may infringe on copyright laws, exposing users to legal risks.
  • The availability of streams may be inconsistent at times.

BBC iPlayer – Live Games On-Demand

BBC iPlayer is a popular streaming service that offers viewers in the UK access to live games on-demand. The platform offers live streaming for football matches and highlights. BBC iPlayer is preferred for UK viewers looking to catch up on their favorite sports events.

bbc iplayer main window


  • BBC iPlayer ensures a seamless viewing experience for users.
  • The platform delivers high-quality production for live games on-demand, with professional commentary and analysis.
  • BBC iPlayer streams official broadcasts of major events, including football matches.


  • BBC iPlayer primarily focuses on sports events in the UK.
  • Certain content on BBC iPlayer may be subject to geo-restrictions, limiting viewer access outside the UK.

Part 2. How To Use Free Football Streaming Websites?

To maximize your experience with free football streaming websites, consider the following tips:

  • Using a VPN

If a streaming website is geo-restricted in your region, consider using a VPN. A VPN can change your IP address to access a website from a different location. It grants you access to content that may be otherwise unavailable in your area.

  • Optimizing the streaming experience

Ensure a smooth streaming experience by optimizing your internet connection. Close any unnecessary tabs or applications that may be consuming bandwidth. Consider using an ad blocker as well to cut interruptions. Additionally, connect your device via Ethernet for a more stable connection.

  • Understanding copyright laws and alternatives

While free football streaming websites offer convenience, it’s important to be aware of copyright laws. Engaging in illegal streaming may result in legal consequences. Instead, consider legal alternatives such as subscribing to legitimate streaming services. You can also watch matches through official broadcasters’ websites. They provide you with access to high-quality, authorized content.

Part 3. How To Boost Your Football Audience With AI Tools

In today’s digital landscape, engaging with your football audience has never been more crucial. Wondershare Virbo Live is an innovative AI-live streaming tool designed to elevate your football streaming experience. It integrates with football live streams supported by OBS. Virbo Live enables you to host live selling sessions within your stream. Let’s delve into the key features:

wondershare virbo main window

Get Started Online Free Download

  • **Stronger customer relationships.**Virbo empowers you to connect with your audience on a deeper level through interactive AI avatars. These avatars can engage with viewers in real-time.
  • **Enhanced digital marketing.**With hundreds of pre-designed assets and templates, Virbo streamlines your digital marketing efforts. Virbo offers everything you need to elevate your football streaming experience.
  • 150+ authentic AI avatars. Choose from over 150 authentic AI avatars to represent your brand on social media platforms. These avatars add a unique touch to your content. They help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
  • **Cross-platform compatibility.**Virbo ensures seamless integration across many platforms. Whether you’re streaming on Twitch, YouTube, or any other platform, it provides the most visibility.

Besides the features above, Virbo Live offers these benefits to enhance your football streaming experience further:

  • Multilingual support: Engage with a global audience by speaking their language. Virbo supports many languages and accents. It allows you to connect with viewers from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • AI Live shopping script generation. Transform your football stream into a dynamic shopping experience with Virbo’s AI-powered live shopping script generation. Showcase products, answer questions, and drive sales within your stream.
  • Cloud-based operation. Enjoy the flexibility of cloud-based streaming with Virbo Live. Streamline your workflow and access your content from anywhere, anytime, with cloud-based operation.
  • 24/7 seamless AI streaming. With Virbo Live, your football stream stays live 24/7. It ensures continuous engagement with your audience even when you’re not streaming.

Now, let’s explore Virbo’s pricing plans (as of Feb 22, 2024), tailored to suit your specific streaming needs:

Creator Plan Business Plan Advanced Plan
$89.9/mo $159.9/mo $599.9/mo
3600 mins/mo live streaming 10800 mins/mo live streaming Unlimited live streaming duration
  • Creator plan. It offers essential features for building your brand presence through live streaming.
  • Business plan. The Business Plan provides advanced tools to take your football streaming to the next level.
  • **Advanced plan.**The Advanced Plan offers premium features to maximize your sales conversion.


Free football streaming websites offer convenience for you to enjoy live matches from the comfort of your home. These platforms provide access to a wide array of content. However, it’s essential to be aware of the risks associated with free soccer streams.

When looking for the best soccer streaming websites, consider using Virbo Live for an enjoyable experience. With its AI-powered features, Virbo Live enhances content sharing, football analysis, and live selling. It ensures a seamless and immersive streaming journey for every football enthusiast. Embrace the future of football streaming with Virbo.

YouTube Live Selling: Boost Your Sales With These Tips

As more people shop online through live channels, big streaming websites are adding this feature to their platforms. YouTube , a significant site for videos, lets people sell things while they stream live. It is not available as a separate feature but as a part of the regular live-streaming setup on YouTube. This benefits creators because they can sell stuff to their viewers while showcasing their content.

Live shopping on YouTube makes it more fun for viewers as well. In this article, we’ll talk about how to use YouTube’s live selling feature by knowing the eligibility criteria. Furthermore, we will introduce a great tool to improve your live streams.

live shopping introduced in youtube

Part 1. How Has YouTube Integrated Live Shopping System Into Its Platform?

YouTube has integrated a live shopping system into its platform. It enables creators to engage with their audiences in real-time to promote and sell products. Creators can set up and connect their own stores or online shopping platforms to YouTube. This involves integrating Shopify , Spring , or other selected retailers with their YouTube channels.

Also, the sellers have functionalities to tag products within their streams. Viewers can quickly discover and purchase items showcased during the broadcast. Interested users can get guidance and support from the app to manage their live shopping sessions. Plus, YouTube’s live selling collects feedback from creators and viewers. By doing so, this platform is able to enable continuous improvements.

Eligibility Criteria of YouTube Live Shopping

If you want to use live selling on YouTube to sell your stuff, you will have to meet the respective eligibility criteria. Users can connect their store to start selling things after fulfilling these guidelines. Provided below are the eligibility criteria required by the YouTube platform for live selling:

  1. To perform any live streaming procedure on YouTube, being part of the YouTube Partner Program is necessary.
  2. Your channel should have enough subscribers or be recognized as an Official Artist Channel.
  3. The videos on your channel shouldn’t be mainly for kids. The target age in live shopping covers teenagers and adults, which is why YouTube also focuses on the niche.
  4. Your channel shouldn’t have any strikes for hate speech. The community guideline strikes should be maintained for the promotion of products.

Part 2. How To Use Live Stream Shopping on YouTube?

Selecting products you want to promote on your YouTube channel is essential. Sellers can tag products in their live stream and feature a labeled product by pinning it. Viewers can buy a tagged product by tapping the “Shop” icon without leaving the live session, making the entire process a simple feat. Here are the steps to engage your audience and boost sales using this feature:

  • Step 1. You need to tag the product to use the YouTube live-stream shopping feature. For this purpose, access the “Live Control Room” through your “YouTube Studio.” Choose the “Stream” or “Manage” option from the left sidebar to proceed with the process.

access streaming options on youtube

  • Step 2. Under the live stream preview, you can hit the “Shopping” tab. Afterward, hit the “+” icon to search and choose up to 30 products for your livestream. You can remove any product by tapping the “Trash” icon next to the product. Finally, tap “Save” to apply this setting to individual videos.

add tag on product and save

Steps of Pinning a Product During Livestream on YouTube

After following the steps mentioned above, you can live stream across YouTube. Furthermore, you can also pin a product to feature prominently during your live video session. Let’s explore this straightforward process of pinning a product while live selling on YouTube :

  • Step 1 . Start a live stream using the “Live Control Room” on YouTube. Once your live stream is set up, navigate to the “Shopping” tab. Here, you’ll find a selection of items available for promotion. Choose the specific item you want to promote during your live stream.

pin product in youtube studio

  • Step 2. Drag or click the chosen item to the “Pinned Products” panel. You can tap “REMOVE PIN” in the live stream preview to remove the selected item from being pinned.

Part 3. Want To Make Better Livestream Content? Use Wondershare Virbo Live

Are you looking to elevate your livestream content and drive better growth? Look no further than Wondershare Virbo Live to stand out from the rest of the streamers. With this tool, you have everything on a single platform to create captivating livestream experiences. It provides scripts for live shopping based on the YouTube viewer’s likings and preferences. The compatibility with YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram for live streaming makes it a versatile tool.

In addition to this, it offers a customizable Q&A repository to provide an instant answering system for audiences. The microphone integration for voice-driven AI allows you to connect with a diverse audience in real-time. Plus, the cloud-based operation provides flexibility and convenience for users. AI translation translates text into many languages to provide a global live-streaming experience.

Top Features of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. Virbo Live offers a variety of AI streamers or VTubers that perfectly mimic natural movements. They come in different attire, poses, and ethnicities to suit your brand image.
  2. It allows users to take advantage of 24/7 broadcasting without any interruption.
  3. Wondershare Virbo Live comes with an AI interaction system that crawls through the content of a live stream room. This effectively helps in enhancing the content of your live streaming tool.

Get Started Online Free Download

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stream Room in Wondershare Virbo Live

Like live selling on YouTube , Virbo Live provides a straightforward approach for its users. It lets you connect better with your audience to gain a boost for gathering revenue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to create your stream room to sell stuff through Wondershare Virbo Live:

  • Step 1. Create a Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Navigate through the main website of Virbo Live and tap “Create Stream Room Now.” You’ll be directed to a new window, which provides different features to make a compelling live-selling video. To proceed, head to the top of the screen and press the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button.

start live stream room in youtube

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  • Step 2. Select and Personalize Your Preferred AI Avatar

As a new screen opens, select the “AI avatars” tab to access a dialogue box displaying various avatars. Browse through the options and observe their appearances showcased on the right side. Once you’ve chosen your preferred avatar, switch to the “Background” tab for customization. Choose the one that fits your needs and the nature of your product.

add avatar and background to content

  • Step 3. Input Text Script and Change Dubbing Options

Next, navigate to the left side of the window to access the text box. Here, input your desired text or script in the required section. You can also opt for AI-generated scripts to enhance your presentation. To access AI-generated scripts, scroll down the page and locate the “AI Smart Script” button. Click on it, and the tool will generate a script tailored to your product presentation.

Once you are done making your script, lead to the top of the window to access the “Voice Dubbing” option. Change the voice dubbing according to your region and audience preference.

include script and dub

  • Step 4. Start Livestreaming Your Products

After making final adjustments, hit the “Start livestream” button. Your live-streaming session is ready to provide an optimized live shopping YouTube experience.



It is evident that creators have to master YouTube live selling to generate revenue.YouTube makes it easy by letting you show products and talk to viewers live to sell more. This way, you can engage with viewers and get an organic boost for your products. However, if you want an even better way to do live to sell, you should seek the services of Wondershare Virbo Live.

As more people shop online through live channels, big streaming websites are adding this feature to their platforms. YouTube , a significant site for videos, lets people sell things while they stream live. It is not available as a separate feature but as a part of the regular live-streaming setup on YouTube. This benefits creators because they can sell stuff to their viewers while showcasing their content.

Live shopping on YouTube makes it more fun for viewers as well. In this article, we’ll talk about how to use YouTube’s live selling feature by knowing the eligibility criteria. Furthermore, we will introduce a great tool to improve your live streams.

live shopping introduced in youtube

Part 1. How Has YouTube Integrated Live Shopping System Into Its Platform?

YouTube has integrated a live shopping system into its platform. It enables creators to engage with their audiences in real-time to promote and sell products. Creators can set up and connect their own stores or online shopping platforms to YouTube. This involves integrating Shopify , Spring , or other selected retailers with their YouTube channels.

Also, the sellers have functionalities to tag products within their streams. Viewers can quickly discover and purchase items showcased during the broadcast. Interested users can get guidance and support from the app to manage their live shopping sessions. Plus, YouTube’s live selling collects feedback from creators and viewers. By doing so, this platform is able to enable continuous improvements.

Eligibility Criteria of YouTube Live Shopping

If you want to use live selling on YouTube to sell your stuff, you will have to meet the respective eligibility criteria. Users can connect their store to start selling things after fulfilling these guidelines. Provided below are the eligibility criteria required by the YouTube platform for live selling:

  1. To perform any live streaming procedure on YouTube, being part of the YouTube Partner Program is necessary.
  2. Your channel should have enough subscribers or be recognized as an Official Artist Channel.
  3. The videos on your channel shouldn’t be mainly for kids. The target age in live shopping covers teenagers and adults, which is why YouTube also focuses on the niche.
  4. Your channel shouldn’t have any strikes for hate speech. The community guideline strikes should be maintained for the promotion of products.

Part 2. How To Use Live Stream Shopping on YouTube?

Selecting products you want to promote on your YouTube channel is essential. Sellers can tag products in their live stream and feature a labeled product by pinning it. Viewers can buy a tagged product by tapping the “Shop” icon without leaving the live session, making the entire process a simple feat. Here are the steps to engage your audience and boost sales using this feature:

  • Step 1. You need to tag the product to use the YouTube live-stream shopping feature. For this purpose, access the “Live Control Room” through your “YouTube Studio.” Choose the “Stream” or “Manage” option from the left sidebar to proceed with the process.

access streaming options on youtube

  • Step 2. Under the live stream preview, you can hit the “Shopping” tab. Afterward, hit the “+” icon to search and choose up to 30 products for your livestream. You can remove any product by tapping the “Trash” icon next to the product. Finally, tap “Save” to apply this setting to individual videos.

add tag on product and save

Steps of Pinning a Product During Livestream on YouTube

After following the steps mentioned above, you can live stream across YouTube. Furthermore, you can also pin a product to feature prominently during your live video session. Let’s explore this straightforward process of pinning a product while live selling on YouTube :

  • Step 1 . Start a live stream using the “Live Control Room” on YouTube. Once your live stream is set up, navigate to the “Shopping” tab. Here, you’ll find a selection of items available for promotion. Choose the specific item you want to promote during your live stream.

pin product in youtube studio

  • Step 2. Drag or click the chosen item to the “Pinned Products” panel. You can tap “REMOVE PIN” in the live stream preview to remove the selected item from being pinned.

Part 3. Want To Make Better Livestream Content? Use Wondershare Virbo Live

Are you looking to elevate your livestream content and drive better growth? Look no further than Wondershare Virbo Live to stand out from the rest of the streamers. With this tool, you have everything on a single platform to create captivating livestream experiences. It provides scripts for live shopping based on the YouTube viewer’s likings and preferences. The compatibility with YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram for live streaming makes it a versatile tool.

In addition to this, it offers a customizable Q&A repository to provide an instant answering system for audiences. The microphone integration for voice-driven AI allows you to connect with a diverse audience in real-time. Plus, the cloud-based operation provides flexibility and convenience for users. AI translation translates text into many languages to provide a global live-streaming experience.

Top Features of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. Virbo Live offers a variety of AI streamers or VTubers that perfectly mimic natural movements. They come in different attire, poses, and ethnicities to suit your brand image.
  2. It allows users to take advantage of 24/7 broadcasting without any interruption.
  3. Wondershare Virbo Live comes with an AI interaction system that crawls through the content of a live stream room. This effectively helps in enhancing the content of your live streaming tool.

Get Started Online Free Download

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stream Room in Wondershare Virbo Live

Like live selling on YouTube , Virbo Live provides a straightforward approach for its users. It lets you connect better with your audience to gain a boost for gathering revenue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to create your stream room to sell stuff through Wondershare Virbo Live:

  • Step 1. Create a Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Navigate through the main website of Virbo Live and tap “Create Stream Room Now.” You’ll be directed to a new window, which provides different features to make a compelling live-selling video. To proceed, head to the top of the screen and press the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button.

start live stream room in youtube

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Select and Personalize Your Preferred AI Avatar

As a new screen opens, select the “AI avatars” tab to access a dialogue box displaying various avatars. Browse through the options and observe their appearances showcased on the right side. Once you’ve chosen your preferred avatar, switch to the “Background” tab for customization. Choose the one that fits your needs and the nature of your product.

add avatar and background to content

  • Step 3. Input Text Script and Change Dubbing Options

Next, navigate to the left side of the window to access the text box. Here, input your desired text or script in the required section. You can also opt for AI-generated scripts to enhance your presentation. To access AI-generated scripts, scroll down the page and locate the “AI Smart Script” button. Click on it, and the tool will generate a script tailored to your product presentation.

Once you are done making your script, lead to the top of the window to access the “Voice Dubbing” option. Change the voice dubbing according to your region and audience preference.

include script and dub

  • Step 4. Start Livestreaming Your Products

After making final adjustments, hit the “Start livestream” button. Your live-streaming session is ready to provide an optimized live shopping YouTube experience.



It is evident that creators have to master YouTube live selling to generate revenue.YouTube makes it easy by letting you show products and talk to viewers live to sell more. This way, you can engage with viewers and get an organic boost for your products. However, if you want an even better way to do live to sell, you should seek the services of Wondershare Virbo Live.

Mastering Facebook Live: Your Complete Guide to Successful Streaming

A lot of people consume Facebook Live content as it provides a fun experience for the audience. Today, Facebook Live is being displayed across all genres. From gaming, vlogging, and sports, to basically anything under the Sun, going live on Facebook has become a new trend.

However, even to this date, a lot of users are confused about how to livestream on Facebook. That is why we have created this guide so you can livestream on Facebook without any hassle.

Part 1: Easy-to-follow Step Guidance to Start Facebook Live

Facebook Live video is one of the most sought-after features of all time. Not only does it help creators connect with their audience but it lets them generate more revenue, ultimately bringing more money to their account.

Moreover, it is an awesome way to reach a broader audience and let people discover your content in real-time. A lot of people are confused about how to use Facebook Live because the methods to use it on the mobile app, the web, and Creator Studio are all different.

So, let’s talk about how to go live on Facebook. Before you start, you should understand that you can live stream to your page, group, profile, and event using the Facebook app or using a camera and streaming software.

01 How to go live on Facebook using a phone

As we have already discovered, you can go live on your Facebook page, group, profile, and event from anywhere in the world. The best way to go about life in the modern world is to use the Facebook app which is available on both Android and iOS.

Here is a complete guide on how to use Facebook Live streaming services on your mobile.

Step 1 Choosing where to go live (Personal Profile, Group, or Page)

The first step is choosing where you want to live. Ask yourself where are you trying to go live. Is it on your personal profile, a Facebook page that you own, or in some group? Navigate to wherever you want to go live.

Step 2 Going live

Live Video

Let’s say that you want to go live on your personal Facebook profile. Then, you need to click on the Facebook app, and click on What’s on your mind? Select Live Video which will be an option available. Now, you will start to see that new features will appear and you will need to set details about your livestreams in the next step.

Step 3 Setting live stream details and going live

Go Live

Now you will need to give Facebook access to your camera and microphone, add a description to your video, set effects of your liking, and adjust everything accordingly. You can also invite your friends to join and watch the live video. So set those options and click on Go Live.

Step 4 Finishing the live stream

Once you have completed the live stream, simply click the Finish button to end your broadcast. In just a couple of minutes, your livestream will be ready in the form of a video.

02 How to go live on Facebook using the web

When you use the web version of Facebook, you will be redirected to Live Producer, which is a tool that allows you to use higher-end production equipment and streaming software. This happens on both laptops and PCs.

If you are a Facebook live streamer and want to go live using the web, then follow these steps.

Step 1 Find the Live video option on Facebook

Live Video

Firstly, you will need to be logged in to your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, at the top of the News Feed, click on the What’s on your mind section and click on the three dots action button. There, you will find Live Video which will ultimately redirect you to Live Producer. So click on it.

Step 2 Setting up livestream

Go Live

Once you are on Facebook Live Producer, you can add your title, and description, choose the equipment, and set a lot of things right on your Facebook account. You can do this before the live stream starts which is great because you can start live in a professional manner.

Step 3 Start your live stream on Web

Once everything is good to go, simply click on Go Live and you will be able to share your story with the rest of the world. You can also end the live stream whenever you like.

Part 2: Selected Tool to Elevate Your Facebook Live Experience

Virbo Live

If you want to take your Facebook streaming to the next level, then you should tryVirbo Live . Virbo is an all-in-one AI platform that allows users to create high-quality content with 300+ voices and a plethora of powerful features.

Virbo Live aims to transform the live experience by adding AI into play and improving traditional Facebook live streaming. Using Virbo Live is simple. You need to create a live shopping room where you can create a room or simply select a template. Then, you can choose the AI models and background. You can also choose the text and the voice that you want to be played during the live stream. And lastly, you can interact with your audience in the most user-friendly way possible.

For Facebook live streaming, Virbo Live is one of the most amazing tools that is transforming traditional boring live shopping into an AI-driven shopping experience. Let’s discover some of the features related to Facebook Live.

Features of Virbo Live

Virbo Live Features

  • Cost-effective: When it comes to going live on Facebook using the traditional method, you will need a lot of equipment like a camera, mic, and more. With Virbo Live, you don’t need anything because everything is handled by AI.
  • 24/7 broadcasting: The regular Facebook live stream can be interrupted but with Virbo Live, you get continuous 24/7 broadcasting without interruptions.
  • Live shopping made it easier: Virbo Live makes it easier for brands to showcase their products in the most user-friendly way possible. You can have the AI describe everything as your product gets bought by the audience.

Part 3: FAQs about Facebook Live

1. How do you get to Facebook Live?

You get a live stream on Facebook by using the live streaming feature. To do that, you either need to have a PC, Android, or iOS device. If you are on PC, you can simply log in to Facebook Web. But on mobile devices, you need to have the Facebook app or the Creators app downloaded to go live.

2. Can you watch Facebook Live without an account?

Facebook live videos are public, meaning you can watch them on any device as long as you have the internet. Moreover, Facebook live videos don’t require an active Facebook account to be played as they are usually public.

3. Is Facebook Live stream free?

Yes, Facebook live streaming is 100% free, meaning you don’t have to pay a penny to use any of the features. However, if you use a third-party tool, then you might need to pay to get some features unlocked.

4. Is YouTube Live better than Facebook Live?

Both YouTube Live and Facebook Live are perfect for streaming. However, if your goal is monetization and making money, then using YouTube Live would be better. However, if you want to interact with your audience and make your community grow, then Facebook Live is the best choice.


Facebook streams are a fun and engaging way to interact with the audience. In this guide, we have covered a complete guide that you can follow to get live on your Facebook and reach a broader audience.

And if you want to take your Facebook live streaming to the next level, then a tool like Virbo AI will be perfect for businesses that want to bring in more revenue and reach a bigger audience.

A lot of people consume Facebook Live content as it provides a fun experience for the audience. Today, Facebook Live is being displayed across all genres. From gaming, vlogging, and sports, to basically anything under the Sun, going live on Facebook has become a new trend.

However, even to this date, a lot of users are confused about how to livestream on Facebook. That is why we have created this guide so you can livestream on Facebook without any hassle.

Part 1: Easy-to-follow Step Guidance to Start Facebook Live

Facebook Live video is one of the most sought-after features of all time. Not only does it help creators connect with their audience but it lets them generate more revenue, ultimately bringing more money to their account.

Moreover, it is an awesome way to reach a broader audience and let people discover your content in real-time. A lot of people are confused about how to use Facebook Live because the methods to use it on the mobile app, the web, and Creator Studio are all different.

So, let’s talk about how to go live on Facebook. Before you start, you should understand that you can live stream to your page, group, profile, and event using the Facebook app or using a camera and streaming software.

01 How to go live on Facebook using a phone

As we have already discovered, you can go live on your Facebook page, group, profile, and event from anywhere in the world. The best way to go about life in the modern world is to use the Facebook app which is available on both Android and iOS.

Here is a complete guide on how to use Facebook Live streaming services on your mobile.

Step 1 Choosing where to go live (Personal Profile, Group, or Page)

The first step is choosing where you want to live. Ask yourself where are you trying to go live. Is it on your personal profile, a Facebook page that you own, or in some group? Navigate to wherever you want to go live.

Step 2 Going live

Live Video

Let’s say that you want to go live on your personal Facebook profile. Then, you need to click on the Facebook app, and click on What’s on your mind? Select Live Video which will be an option available. Now, you will start to see that new features will appear and you will need to set details about your livestreams in the next step.

Step 3 Setting live stream details and going live

Go Live

Now you will need to give Facebook access to your camera and microphone, add a description to your video, set effects of your liking, and adjust everything accordingly. You can also invite your friends to join and watch the live video. So set those options and click on Go Live.

Step 4 Finishing the live stream

Once you have completed the live stream, simply click the Finish button to end your broadcast. In just a couple of minutes, your livestream will be ready in the form of a video.

02 How to go live on Facebook using the web

When you use the web version of Facebook, you will be redirected to Live Producer, which is a tool that allows you to use higher-end production equipment and streaming software. This happens on both laptops and PCs.

If you are a Facebook live streamer and want to go live using the web, then follow these steps.

Step 1 Find the Live video option on Facebook

Live Video

Firstly, you will need to be logged in to your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, at the top of the News Feed, click on the What’s on your mind section and click on the three dots action button. There, you will find Live Video which will ultimately redirect you to Live Producer. So click on it.

Step 2 Setting up livestream

Go Live

Once you are on Facebook Live Producer, you can add your title, and description, choose the equipment, and set a lot of things right on your Facebook account. You can do this before the live stream starts which is great because you can start live in a professional manner.

Step 3 Start your live stream on Web

Once everything is good to go, simply click on Go Live and you will be able to share your story with the rest of the world. You can also end the live stream whenever you like.

Part 2: Selected Tool to Elevate Your Facebook Live Experience

Virbo Live

If you want to take your Facebook streaming to the next level, then you should tryVirbo Live . Virbo is an all-in-one AI platform that allows users to create high-quality content with 300+ voices and a plethora of powerful features.

Virbo Live aims to transform the live experience by adding AI into play and improving traditional Facebook live streaming. Using Virbo Live is simple. You need to create a live shopping room where you can create a room or simply select a template. Then, you can choose the AI models and background. You can also choose the text and the voice that you want to be played during the live stream. And lastly, you can interact with your audience in the most user-friendly way possible.

For Facebook live streaming, Virbo Live is one of the most amazing tools that is transforming traditional boring live shopping into an AI-driven shopping experience. Let’s discover some of the features related to Facebook Live.

Features of Virbo Live

Virbo Live Features

  • Cost-effective: When it comes to going live on Facebook using the traditional method, you will need a lot of equipment like a camera, mic, and more. With Virbo Live, you don’t need anything because everything is handled by AI.
  • 24/7 broadcasting: The regular Facebook live stream can be interrupted but with Virbo Live, you get continuous 24/7 broadcasting without interruptions.
  • Live shopping made it easier: Virbo Live makes it easier for brands to showcase their products in the most user-friendly way possible. You can have the AI describe everything as your product gets bought by the audience.

Part 3: FAQs about Facebook Live

1. How do you get to Facebook Live?

You get a live stream on Facebook by using the live streaming feature. To do that, you either need to have a PC, Android, or iOS device. If you are on PC, you can simply log in to Facebook Web. But on mobile devices, you need to have the Facebook app or the Creators app downloaded to go live.

2. Can you watch Facebook Live without an account?

Facebook live videos are public, meaning you can watch them on any device as long as you have the internet. Moreover, Facebook live videos don’t require an active Facebook account to be played as they are usually public.

3. Is Facebook Live stream free?

Yes, Facebook live streaming is 100% free, meaning you don’t have to pay a penny to use any of the features. However, if you use a third-party tool, then you might need to pay to get some features unlocked.

4. Is YouTube Live better than Facebook Live?

Both YouTube Live and Facebook Live are perfect for streaming. However, if your goal is monetization and making money, then using YouTube Live would be better. However, if you want to interact with your audience and make your community grow, then Facebook Live is the best choice.


Facebook streams are a fun and engaging way to interact with the audience. In this guide, we have covered a complete guide that you can follow to get live on your Facebook and reach a broader audience.

And if you want to take your Facebook live streaming to the next level, then a tool like Virbo AI will be perfect for businesses that want to bring in more revenue and reach a bigger audience.

Top 10 Streaming Services Worth a Try

Gone are the days of flipping through endless channels. Today, people are ditching cable and traditional TV in favor of streaming services, where the content you crave is just a click away. These are great for TV show fanatics or sports enthusiasts. Of course, there’s a streaming service out there tailored to your needs.

Many of these services offer free trials, so you can explore before you commit. In this article, you’ll be guided through the free streaming services available today and those with subscription models (as of Feb 27, 2024) that are indeed worth it. It will highlight their unique offerings and help you find the perfect fit for your entertainment needs.

streaming service on phone watching

Part 1. The 10 Best Streaming Video Services

With diverse platforms catering to every taste and budget, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. But worry not, fellow explorer! This part will unveil the best web streaming services offering unique strengths and features. Get ready to unlock a world of curated content and personalized recommendations, from Hollywood blockbusters to cult classics, binge-worthy shows, and live sports.

Free Streaming Services

First off, here are the free streaming services available today. You can access them scot-free, with the caveat that you must go through advertisements. Don’t worry; these sites offer minimal advertisements, so you can enjoy your shows or streams without pesky ads appearing occasionally.


Tubi is a haven for budget-conscious viewers, offering a massive library of free movies and TV shows. Dive into classic comedies, cult favorites, and hidden gems across various genres. While focusing on older content, some recent releases are sprinkled in. Be prepared for frequent ad breaks, but for the price (free!), it’s a fair trade-off.

tubi interface


Peacock offers a two-tiered approach. The free tier gives you everything, including movies, shows, popular NBCUniversal titles, news, and sports – but with ads. But the real treasure lies in the Premium subscription ($6 or $12/month). Here, you’ll unlock a vast content library, such as live TV channels. So, consider upgrading for a more comprehensive selection and an ad-free experience.

peacock interface


If you’re a fan of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Crackle is your free portal to their content. However, you can also find other shows that you’ll surely love. While the library is smaller than Tubi and Peacock, it’s an excellent option for Sony enthusiasts. Remember, you’ll encounter ads along the way.

crackle interface

Premium Streaming Services

This list will present premium streaming services, meaning the rest of their libraries are not forever accessible with a free plan. Some might offer free trials, but those primarily last for 7 or 30 days – depending on the service.


Are you craving a magical escape? Disney+ is your portal to the beloved worlds of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Enjoy exclusive originals, timeless classics, animated favorites, and captivating documentaries. Perfect for families and those young at heart seeking a sprinkle of pixie dust.

  • **Prices:**Monthly: $13.99; Yearly: $139.99.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

Disney+ interface


Are you looking for a repository of diverse content? Netflix boasts an expansive library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and stand-up comedy, including award-winning originals like Stranger Things and The Crown. Dive into the unknown, revisit old favorites, or explore hidden gems – Netflix has something for everyone (and every mood).

  • **Prices:**Basic Plan: $15.49/month. Other plans with higher streaming quality and screen options are available.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

netflix interface

Prime Video

Already an Amazon Prime member? Unlock even more entertainment with Prime Video. Enjoy movies, TV shows, critically acclaimed originals like The Boys and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and access to select content for free. It’s the perfect add-on for Prime users who want to expand their horizons without breaking the bank.

  • Prices: $8.99/month (standalone), $15/month (full Prime membership). Yearly plan available for full Prime membership.
  • **Free Trial:**One-month free trial available.

prime video login

YouTube TV

Ready to cut the cord but still crave live TV? YouTube TV offers over 100 channels, including sports, news, and entertainment, all streamed live. Plus, enjoy cloud DVR storage and the ability to stream on multiple devices. Free yourself from cable bills and embrace the flexibility of live TV streaming.

  • Prices:$72.99/month, $62.99 for the first three months.
  • **Free Trial:**A free trial is available for new subscribers.

youtube tv intro page


Are you seeking a mix of popular shows and original productions? Hulu has you covered with an extensive library of movies and TV shows, including acclaimed originals like The Handmaid’s Tale and Only Murders in the Building. Are you craving live TV too? Add it on for an all-in-one entertainment experience. You can also avail of an all-in-one plan with Disney Plus.

  • **Prices:**Starts at $7.99/month (with ads), $12.99/month (ad-free). Live TV add-on available.
  • **Free Trial:**Available for new subscribers.

peacock interface


Yearning for high-quality, award-winning content? HBO Max is your haven. Dive into HBO originals like Game of Thrones, Succession, and Euphoria, alongside Warner Bros. movies and TV shows, DC Comics gems, and Studio Ghibli masterpieces. Treat yourself to a premium entertainment experience.

  • **Prices:**With Ads: $9.99/month, Ad-Free: $15.99/month, Ultimate Ad-Free:$19.99/month. Yearly plans are available for all tiers.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

hbo max interface

Apple TV+

Apple device user and craving original content? Apple TV+ offers exclusive shows like Ted Lasso and Severance alongside select movies and documentaries. Enjoy a seamless viewing experience on your Apple devices and discover captivating stories from Apple Studios.

  • Prices:$9.99/month.
  • **Free Trial:**Seven-day free trial available.

apple tv interface

Part 2. Bonus: How To Start a 24/7 On-Demand Live Stream

In today’s digital age, web streaming services have become the go-to source for entertainment and information. Services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube have revolutionized how we consume content, offering vast libraries accessible anytime, anywhere. This on-demand approach empowers viewers to watch what they want, when they want, eliminating the constraints of traditional scheduled programming.

However, what about live streaming? While it offers the thrill of real-time interaction and engagement, viewers are often limited by time zones and broadcast schedules. This can restrict your reach and prevent potential viewers from experiencing your content. That’s where innovative tools like Virbo Live come in, bridging the gap between on-demand convenience and live interaction.

Introducing Virbo Live: Your 24/7 Streaming Solution

Wondershare Virbo Live is a powerful live-streaming tool that empowers you to create continuous, on-demand live streams, even when you’re not physically present. Leveraging the magic of artificial intelligence (AI), Virbo Live generates realistic and engaging content that keeps your audience entertained around the clock.

virbo interfaces

Get Started Online Free Download

Imagine having a virtual host interacting with viewers, answering questions, and even conducting interviews, all while you’re away from the camera. Here are Virbo’s key features:

  • **Seamless compatibility.**Virbo works across various operating systems, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. Plus, a single premium account lets you manage your live streams on multiple devices, giving you ultimate flexibility.
  • **Diverse AI avatars.**Forget the green screen! Virbo Live offers a staggering 150+ AI Avatars to choose from. They can seamlessly step in as your virtual co-hosts, presenters, or even play the role of a captivating YouTuber. Customize them based on age, style, and ethnicity to create a persona that resonates with your audience.
  • Ready-made content library. Virbo Live equips you with 180+ video templates to jumpstart your live streams. These professionally designed templates cover various themes and styles, saving you precious time and effort. Plus, royalty-free music is included to add the perfect soundtrack to your content.
  • **Engaging AI voices.**Virbo Live boasts an impressive 120 AI Voices, offering a variety of tones and accents to bring your content to life.

Getting Started With Virbo Live

Adding Virbo Live to your existing streaming setup is simple. Virbo Live’s intuitive interface guides you through creating your virtual host and customizing your content. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Step 1: Install, download, and launch Wondershare Virbo . Alternatively, you can access the web app.

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2: Click Create a Blank Livestream Room to edit your livestream’s interface.

virbo homepage

  • Step 3: Use the Template, Background, AI avatars, or Sticker menus to look for elements to add to your stream room.

virbo tools

  • Step 4: Add the lines/script under Script lines that your AI live streamer will say throughout the stream. You can set responses for certain questions through AI Interaction and manually respond to other queries through Human Interaction.

virbo homepage

  • Step 5: Once you’re done setting it up, click Start livestream on the upper right of the browser. Make sure to connect it as a live stream window through OBS. Then, paste your preferred streaming platform’s streaming key to OBS.


Remember the days of limited TV channels and rigid schedules? Today, free streaming services offer a world of content at your fingertips but even live streams can feel restrictive. This guide explored how you can reach your audience anytime, anywhere, with the power of 24/7, on-demand live streaming.

With Wondershare Virbo, you can unlock this potential and keep your audience engaged around the clock. No more scheduling limitations – your virtual host, powered by a diverse library of 150+ AI Avatars, can interact with viewers and deliver captivating content even when you’re offline.

Gone are the days of flipping through endless channels. Today, people are ditching cable and traditional TV in favor of streaming services, where the content you crave is just a click away. These are great for TV show fanatics or sports enthusiasts. Of course, there’s a streaming service out there tailored to your needs.

Many of these services offer free trials, so you can explore before you commit. In this article, you’ll be guided through the free streaming services available today and those with subscription models (as of Feb 27, 2024) that are indeed worth it. It will highlight their unique offerings and help you find the perfect fit for your entertainment needs.

streaming service on phone watching

Part 1. The 10 Best Streaming Video Services

With diverse platforms catering to every taste and budget, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. But worry not, fellow explorer! This part will unveil the best web streaming services offering unique strengths and features. Get ready to unlock a world of curated content and personalized recommendations, from Hollywood blockbusters to cult classics, binge-worthy shows, and live sports.

Free Streaming Services

First off, here are the free streaming services available today. You can access them scot-free, with the caveat that you must go through advertisements. Don’t worry; these sites offer minimal advertisements, so you can enjoy your shows or streams without pesky ads appearing occasionally.


Tubi is a haven for budget-conscious viewers, offering a massive library of free movies and TV shows. Dive into classic comedies, cult favorites, and hidden gems across various genres. While focusing on older content, some recent releases are sprinkled in. Be prepared for frequent ad breaks, but for the price (free!), it’s a fair trade-off.

tubi interface


Peacock offers a two-tiered approach. The free tier gives you everything, including movies, shows, popular NBCUniversal titles, news, and sports – but with ads. But the real treasure lies in the Premium subscription ($6 or $12/month). Here, you’ll unlock a vast content library, such as live TV channels. So, consider upgrading for a more comprehensive selection and an ad-free experience.

peacock interface


If you’re a fan of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Crackle is your free portal to their content. However, you can also find other shows that you’ll surely love. While the library is smaller than Tubi and Peacock, it’s an excellent option for Sony enthusiasts. Remember, you’ll encounter ads along the way.

crackle interface

Premium Streaming Services

This list will present premium streaming services, meaning the rest of their libraries are not forever accessible with a free plan. Some might offer free trials, but those primarily last for 7 or 30 days – depending on the service.


Are you craving a magical escape? Disney+ is your portal to the beloved worlds of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Enjoy exclusive originals, timeless classics, animated favorites, and captivating documentaries. Perfect for families and those young at heart seeking a sprinkle of pixie dust.

  • **Prices:**Monthly: $13.99; Yearly: $139.99.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

Disney+ interface


Are you looking for a repository of diverse content? Netflix boasts an expansive library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and stand-up comedy, including award-winning originals like Stranger Things and The Crown. Dive into the unknown, revisit old favorites, or explore hidden gems – Netflix has something for everyone (and every mood).

  • **Prices:**Basic Plan: $15.49/month. Other plans with higher streaming quality and screen options are available.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

netflix interface

Prime Video

Already an Amazon Prime member? Unlock even more entertainment with Prime Video. Enjoy movies, TV shows, critically acclaimed originals like The Boys and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and access to select content for free. It’s the perfect add-on for Prime users who want to expand their horizons without breaking the bank.

  • Prices: $8.99/month (standalone), $15/month (full Prime membership). Yearly plan available for full Prime membership.
  • **Free Trial:**One-month free trial available.

prime video login

YouTube TV

Ready to cut the cord but still crave live TV? YouTube TV offers over 100 channels, including sports, news, and entertainment, all streamed live. Plus, enjoy cloud DVR storage and the ability to stream on multiple devices. Free yourself from cable bills and embrace the flexibility of live TV streaming.

  • Prices:$72.99/month, $62.99 for the first three months.
  • **Free Trial:**A free trial is available for new subscribers.

youtube tv intro page


Are you seeking a mix of popular shows and original productions? Hulu has you covered with an extensive library of movies and TV shows, including acclaimed originals like The Handmaid’s Tale and Only Murders in the Building. Are you craving live TV too? Add it on for an all-in-one entertainment experience. You can also avail of an all-in-one plan with Disney Plus.

  • **Prices:**Starts at $7.99/month (with ads), $12.99/month (ad-free). Live TV add-on available.
  • **Free Trial:**Available for new subscribers.

peacock interface


Yearning for high-quality, award-winning content? HBO Max is your haven. Dive into HBO originals like Game of Thrones, Succession, and Euphoria, alongside Warner Bros. movies and TV shows, DC Comics gems, and Studio Ghibli masterpieces. Treat yourself to a premium entertainment experience.

  • **Prices:**With Ads: $9.99/month, Ad-Free: $15.99/month, Ultimate Ad-Free:$19.99/month. Yearly plans are available for all tiers.
  • **Free Trial:**None currently offered.

hbo max interface

Apple TV+

Apple device user and craving original content? Apple TV+ offers exclusive shows like Ted Lasso and Severance alongside select movies and documentaries. Enjoy a seamless viewing experience on your Apple devices and discover captivating stories from Apple Studios.

  • Prices:$9.99/month.
  • **Free Trial:**Seven-day free trial available.

apple tv interface

Part 2. Bonus: How To Start a 24/7 On-Demand Live Stream

In today’s digital age, web streaming services have become the go-to source for entertainment and information. Services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube have revolutionized how we consume content, offering vast libraries accessible anytime, anywhere. This on-demand approach empowers viewers to watch what they want, when they want, eliminating the constraints of traditional scheduled programming.

However, what about live streaming? While it offers the thrill of real-time interaction and engagement, viewers are often limited by time zones and broadcast schedules. This can restrict your reach and prevent potential viewers from experiencing your content. That’s where innovative tools like Virbo Live come in, bridging the gap between on-demand convenience and live interaction.

Introducing Virbo Live: Your 24/7 Streaming Solution

Wondershare Virbo Live is a powerful live-streaming tool that empowers you to create continuous, on-demand live streams, even when you’re not physically present. Leveraging the magic of artificial intelligence (AI), Virbo Live generates realistic and engaging content that keeps your audience entertained around the clock.

virbo interfaces

Get Started Online Free Download

Imagine having a virtual host interacting with viewers, answering questions, and even conducting interviews, all while you’re away from the camera. Here are Virbo’s key features:

  • **Seamless compatibility.**Virbo works across various operating systems, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. Plus, a single premium account lets you manage your live streams on multiple devices, giving you ultimate flexibility.
  • **Diverse AI avatars.**Forget the green screen! Virbo Live offers a staggering 150+ AI Avatars to choose from. They can seamlessly step in as your virtual co-hosts, presenters, or even play the role of a captivating YouTuber. Customize them based on age, style, and ethnicity to create a persona that resonates with your audience.
  • Ready-made content library. Virbo Live equips you with 180+ video templates to jumpstart your live streams. These professionally designed templates cover various themes and styles, saving you precious time and effort. Plus, royalty-free music is included to add the perfect soundtrack to your content.
  • **Engaging AI voices.**Virbo Live boasts an impressive 120 AI Voices, offering a variety of tones and accents to bring your content to life.

Getting Started With Virbo Live

Adding Virbo Live to your existing streaming setup is simple. Virbo Live’s intuitive interface guides you through creating your virtual host and customizing your content. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Step 1: Install, download, and launch Wondershare Virbo . Alternatively, you can access the web app.

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2: Click Create a Blank Livestream Room to edit your livestream’s interface.

virbo homepage

  • Step 3: Use the Template, Background, AI avatars, or Sticker menus to look for elements to add to your stream room.

virbo tools

  • Step 4: Add the lines/script under Script lines that your AI live streamer will say throughout the stream. You can set responses for certain questions through AI Interaction and manually respond to other queries through Human Interaction.

virbo homepage

  • Step 5: Once you’re done setting it up, click Start livestream on the upper right of the browser. Make sure to connect it as a live stream window through OBS. Then, paste your preferred streaming platform’s streaming key to OBS.


Remember the days of limited TV channels and rigid schedules? Today, free streaming services offer a world of content at your fingertips but even live streams can feel restrictive. This guide explored how you can reach your audience anytime, anywhere, with the power of 24/7, on-demand live streaming.

With Wondershare Virbo, you can unlock this potential and keep your audience engaged around the clock. No more scheduling limitations – your virtual host, powered by a diverse library of 150+ AI Avatars, can interact with viewers and deliver captivating content even when you’re offline.

The Best Boxing Streaming Websites for the Latest Match Coverage

With technological advancements, boxing lovers can surpass geographical restrictions to watch their favorite matches. There are many streaming sites available that allow you to watch sports events, including boxing. With the help of boxing streaming sites, you can see live boxing matches free of cost. It gives you the advantage of enjoying the live boxing match without going to the location.

In such cases, the internet is the savior, as traditional channels have hurdles in extending their service globally. This article will help you to find the best boxing streaming websites.

best boxing streaming for viewing in 2024

Part 1. How Have Live Streaming Sites Changed the Overall Channel Viewership?

Traditional TV services face limitations in broadcasting live boxing matches. Such live boxing matches may only be available to viewers in specific regions or countries. These matches might be broadcast on a channel not included in the basic satellite package of many users.

Traditional services do not provide the flexibility to watch matches at a convenient time. The free boxing stream online sites can easily overcome all these limitations. Now, we will discuss the innovation these streaming sites bring to our sports-watching experience:

1. Personalized Experience

Streaming site services allow the viewers to customize the user experience. Fans of a boxing match can get their desired commentary and analysis reports via these sites. You can also rewind to watch and celebrate epic moments without missing details. Many services offer the opportunity to watch several streams side by side simultaneously.

2. Fewer Delays With Real-Time Support

In the past, there was a video lagging problem on these streaming services. Now, streaming services focus on delivering a smooth experience to viewers. This improved latency of the streaming websites gives real-time support to viewers. You can watch a boxing match without any pause to buffer or catch up.

3. Easier Connectivity and Collaboration

Connectivity becomes more accessible for users with live streaming services. Users can enjoy watching live streaming with their friends and family. During live streaming, you can chat online with your friends within the stream to make your environment more interactive.

4. Integration of Social Media

You also get the option to share live streams on different social media platforms. Many streaming platforms provide this integration option with social media. You can show your favorite streaming matches to your fellows on social sites with one click.

Part 2. Best Boxing Streaming Website Services To Try Online

Anyone can watch their favorite boxing match from anywhere with this streaming site. Below are the best boxing streaming websites and services to watch the game:

1. Boxing Stream

Boxing Stream can help sports lovers avoid issues accessing boxing matches due to location differences. This site can help you watch the game regardless of where you are. It even informs you about the match in a few days. You can check the date of the live match of your favorite boxers within the schedule plan of this boxing streaming site.

Other than that, this website updates the results of recent matches. Also, you can search for your favorite match stream that might not be available on the main page.

boxing stream best boxing website


With Box.Live users can get a detailed schedule of live boxing matches to stay up to date. It connects the fans with 750 boxers and provides a boxing preview. Boxing fans can check the latest news about matches on this website. This free boxing streaming online site also shows boxing ranking and a world champions list.

Android and iPhone users can download the app to remain updated about matches. In addition, Box.Live offers a replay menu to rewatch the boxing match.

box live best boxing website

3. Sportsurge

If you are a fan of boxing matches, you will not want to miss any matches. For this purpose, Sportsurge is one of the best free streaming sites for boxing. This website lets you get updates on upcoming boxing matches through a carefully compiled schedule. Also, the timing of each boxing match live streaming is presented on the website to keep you informed.

Sportsurge allows you to watch matches in HD and on any device. You can choose streams with different commentators to enjoy live boxing.

sportsurge best boxing website

4. Stream East

Usually, boxing matches are broadcast on premium sports channels, so you are bound to pay for viewership. It is possible to miss the match as its timing might not align with your routine. Stream East is a boxing streaming site that can solve all these problems. This streaming site allows you to watch live match streaming through various links.

This website also alerts you in advance for the upcoming match stream. However, the link to the live stream will appear 60 minutes before the game’s start.

stream east best boxing website

5. CrackStream

People from all around the world can watch boxing matches on the CrackStream boxing streaming site. It provides information about upcoming matches to inform you about the dates and times of the match. Also, the names of boxers are mentioned so you can watch your favorite one. CrackStream delivers HD-quality streams to let the viewers enjoy the best experience.

Moreover, it lets you share the live stream on social media platforms with one click. You can also share a match live stream with other people through email via CrackStream.

crackstream best boxing website


DAZN lets you watch live boxing matches on a desired device anytime, anywhere. You can also watch the latest boxing match replays on this website. It provides a list of the latest boxing highlight videos to keep you in touch with the latest action. With this website, you can watch boxing shows to hear what experts say about the match.

Plus, career-defining fights of boxers are available on this best boxing streaming website. Thus, this website should be your go-to platform for learning everything happening in boxing.

dazn best boxing website

Part 3. Promote the Best Boxing Streaming Websites Using the Finest Tool

If a boxing match between the two renowned fighters is about to happen, their fans use different mediums to create hype online. Being a big fan, you can create excitement about this upcoming match using the right streaming medium. With Wondershare Virbo Live , you can promote the boxing match through interactive live streams. It helps you carry out the post-match streams to discuss the outcome of your favorite match.

In addition, Virbo Live offers an AI avatar feature to grasp the audience’s attention. AI avatars mirror real-life nuances to give viewers authentic interaction during the stream. With AI script generation, you can generate the script to discuss the boxing match.

Top Features of Wondershare Virbo Live To Make Content Better

  1. This tool allows you to translate scripts in various languages to broaden your reach.
  2. Its customizable Q&A feature can help you set up automatic livestream responses.
  3. You can add text instructing AI streamers on what to speak in live streaming.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Stream Room for Live Stream To Promote Boxing

As mentioned, boxing fans can create professional videos with Virbo Live to promote upcoming boxing matches for boxing streaming sites. Go through the steps to create a customized live-stream boxing promotional video through Virbo Live:

  • Step 1. Create Stream Room Through Accessing Tool Online

Initiate the process by accessing the tool online through a proper browser. Access the main webpage of Virbo Live by hitting the “Create Stream Room Now” button on the left.

start a stream room on virbo

  • Step 2. Start Generating a Blank Livestream Room

Continue to click “Create a Blank Livestream Room” in the middle to initiate the editing process. The same window displays a variety of templates to start with if you seek a quick procedure.

create a blank stream room

  • Step 3. Select the Desired AI Avatar

You will be led to an editing window where you can start by selecting your desired AI avatar. Click the “AI avatar” button from the top and find the appropriate option according to their pose and dress.

select avatar for promotional stream

  • Step 4. Select the Background for Boxing Promotional Video

Since it is a boxing promotional video you are making, select the proper “Background” according to your conditions.

add background for promotional video stream

  • Step 5. Create Script With AI Smart Script or Insert Text Prompt

Next, navigate to the left side of the window to create a video script with the AI Smart Script option. Press the “AI Smart Script” button to access a new pop-up window with various options. Here, you can write product names, features, and promotional content. Also, you can choose the “Language” and “Style” before clicking on the “Generate” button.

create script for boxing live video

  • Step 6. Begin Live Streaming To Promote Match

Following all the above, you are now ready for the live stream to promote the upcoming boxing match. Press the “Start livestream” button at the top right to begin this promotional stream.

start livestream after selecting platform


All in all, we can say that restrictions of traditional TV compelled people to use streaming to watch live boxing matches. With their global accessibility, boxing streaming sites can help you to watch your favorite match. If you want to promote these matches as a fan, we have also discussed a suitable tool for your needs. Wondershare Virbo Live has AI features to create customized livestreams for boxing fans.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated A Basic Guidebook To Live Selling in Todays Digital World
  • Author: Jeff
  • Created at : 2024-06-08 00:17:05
  • Updated at : 2024-06-09 00:17:05
  • Link: https://ai-live-streaming.techidaily.com/updated-a-basic-guidebook-to-live-selling-in-todays-digital-world/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated A Basic Guidebook To Live Selling in Todays Digital World