Updated 2024 Approved Live Selling A Comprehensive Starters Guide

Updated 2024 Approved Live Selling A Comprehensive Starters Guide

Jeff Lv8

Live Selling: A Comprehensive Starter’s Guide

The spread of the internet has changed consumer purchasing habits in recent years. Now, social media platforms are the growing digital marketplaces for products. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of online shopping, and people now prefer buying online. This digital shopping mode eliminates the struggle to leave physical spaces in their busy routines.

The same goes for the marketing field, which has revolutionized with live sales. Venders prefer to sell items online to generate the greatest sales without physical systems. If that interests you, get more insights on livestream selling through this article.

live selling and how to perform

Part 1. A Basic Preview To “Live Shopping”

Livestream selling or live shopping refers to live product demonstrations on digital platforms. The retailer or host has to introduce themselves, their store, and sale before describing products. They explain each detail of the products and their prices while holding them in a direct video call. During that, ensure that followers can see the product and interact through comments.

Customers perceive it as a lively shopping experience instead of websites loading products. It creates a sense of connection as people feel like shopping in physical stores. As live selling has a core element of being in real time, people can question and know about the product. Compared with traditional shopping, one can place an order through links mentioned in the livestream.

preview of live selling

Is It Beneficial To Sell Live in This Digital Industry?

Live selling is an emerging way to attract customers to shop on online marketplaces. According to research, 76% of US adults prefer shopping online for clothes and groceries. It focuses on customers’ desire to know about products that generate sales. Thus, it proves beneficial in many terms, among which a few are elaborated below:

1. Engaging and Updating Communication

Businesses can directly engage with a broader audience by entering the live selling industry. They get knowledge about current product trends to introduce similar things. Besides, this method eliminates the need to target customers in-store or via e-mails. Now, businesses can market their product and live sales simultaneously.

2. Reduced Return Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Before live selling, people need to search for what they want by visiting the official sites of brands. Also, they scroll to read honest product reviews for the validity of products. With live selling, customers can view the products and ask questions during the live sessions. Therefore, it lowers the return rates to 40% while increasing customer satisfaction and trust.

3. Potential Growth and Virtual Demonstrations

This online shopping mode has the potential to upscale your business. According to a survey, companies can see top-line growth upward of 25% through live selling. Apart from upscaling, they can see their digital competitors and define new ways to stand out. Sellers can compete by providing discount coupons and virtual demonstrations of products.

Part 2. What’s the Core Elements of a Live Video

Selling products via online videos is a marketing technique that is rapidly growing. Already, 80% of marketers confess that livestream shopping is integral to boosting sales online. If you are going tosell live as a seller, you should read this part for some insights. Here, you will learn the core elements of a live video to make your sale successful:

1. Livestream Selling Platform

To expand the product’s reach, it is essential to carefully select an online live selling platform. It could be a native live shopping platform, social media, or merchant website. As Gen Z and millennials are more attracted to live streaming, social media platforms would be ideal hosts. Many brands are integrating social media with e-commerce to cut the need for two separate apps.

2. Real-Time Session With Host

Upon choosing a suitable platform, a live video session is arranged. For that purpose, you need a host who should seem trustworthy and relatable to the product. There could be more than one person in the live sale to demonstrate products and share tips and benefits. Besides, the host needs to interact with the customers and share thoughts about the product.

3. Points of Product or Video Content

The main object of live selling is to sell products, but the best way is to create hype. In this regard, brands offer special discounts and giveaways valid only during live streams. It increases the tendency of customers to make purchases during the live sessions. The live session must be 20-30 minutes and include click-on links for easy buying.

Significant Statistics To Support Increasing Influence of Live Selling

The concept of livestream sales emerged decades ago but gained a spotlight in 2016 in China. Afterward, it flourished worldwide and grew to 171 billion USD in 2020. An estimation of the US livestream shopping market reveals worth $35 billion by 2024. Live selling is evolving not only in the US but also in other regions of the globe.

Live Streaming Sales in Regions
China 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023
The United States $17 billion in 2023
Europe Influenced 50% more than physical or online Purchasing
Livestream shopping Platforms (US 2022)
Facebook Live 55%
YouTube Live 52%
Instagram 46%
Amazon Live 30%

Part 3. Live Selling Strategies To Boost Revenue

Anyone can live sale online because you have to explain products and respond to queries. Yet not everyone generates the same revenue and gets immense popularity. The reason is operative strategies and tips, which you can use in the below discussion to gear up your shopping stream.

1. Use 24/7 Hours Seamless AI Live Streaming Software

Most sellers are unaware of current digital trends and the right actions for live selling. In that context, you need a platform to provide everything from script to selling videos. However, using Wondershare Virbo Live and staying in a single place is suggested to plan and execute the live shopping. Virbo Live is an AI tool that connects sellers with customers through streaming videos.

  1. **AI Avatar:**Wondershare Virbo Live offers an AI avatar feature for start-ups and small business owners. It eliminates the need for a well-groomed host or managing crew. AI avatars can perfectly mimic your actions with natural movements to engage the audience.
  2. **Q&A Library:**The platform allows the creation of automatic responses with a personalized library of questions. The major advantage of having such an option is that it helps users connect better with the audience.
  3. **Text Interaction:**The quality of content can be easily manipulated and managed across Wondershare Virbo Live. You can provide text to trigger your AI streamer to speak within the live stream.

Compatibility with Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Alibaba, and X(Twitter).

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Create a Complete Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Wondershare Virbo Live is available online and offers a cloud-based service. To fully utilize this live selling strategy, follow these steps and explore this all-in-one tool:

  • Step 1. Access the Main Interface of Virbo Live

Start the process on Wondershare Virbo Live by clicking the “Create Stream Room Now” button. You need to select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the livestream room creation.

create livestream room in virbo

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize the Live Stream Video in Virbo Live

Once you find yourselves in the editing section, add a script you want to use in your live-stream video. While staying in the “Script lines” section, you can add a script in the form of text or audio. If you wish to add an audio script, go to the “Audio” tab and select “Upload local voice.” This voice will then be used across the live stream video in Virbo Live.

add audio script to virbo livestream

  • Step 3. Set Avatar and Other Elements Before Starting Livestreaming

Following this, you can add your required avatars, background, and stickers to the video with the options at the top of the window. Finally, when you are done exploring, hit the “Start livestream” option and live sell on any of the supported platforms.

set avatar background and stickers

2. Pick an Appropriate Date and Time

Another tip to consider is choosing the right time and date for the maximum viewers. In this regard, retailers should avoid a popular shopping period such as Black Friday. In contrast, it is suggested to pick weekends or holidays where customers must be free to join. Also, never choose the working hours of any day and consider the time zones for a global audience.

3. Keep the Conversation Engaging and Funny

Customers can read the product details and see how it looks, so what difference will they get from a live sale? Considering this perspective, sellers should bring something unique to the shopping stream. For this purpose, they can explain the product’s benefits and use cases. Furthermore, they should keep their tone friendly and humorous for the targeted audience.


To summarize, livestream sale s is an emerging concept to boost revenue and sales. As shown in this article, it is fruitful for retailers and significantly contributes to generating sales. Like China’s ever-changing live selling industry, Wondershare Virbo Live is also an emerging tool. It is emerging to change virtual selling dynamics by providing seamless live-stream videos.

The spread of the internet has changed consumer purchasing habits in recent years. Now, social media platforms are the growing digital marketplaces for products. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of online shopping, and people now prefer buying online. This digital shopping mode eliminates the struggle to leave physical spaces in their busy routines.

The same goes for the marketing field, which has revolutionized with live sales. Venders prefer to sell items online to generate the greatest sales without physical systems. If that interests you, get more insights on livestream selling through this article.

live selling and how to perform

Part 1. A Basic Preview To “Live Shopping”

Livestream selling or live shopping refers to live product demonstrations on digital platforms. The retailer or host has to introduce themselves, their store, and sale before describing products. They explain each detail of the products and their prices while holding them in a direct video call. During that, ensure that followers can see the product and interact through comments.

Customers perceive it as a lively shopping experience instead of websites loading products. It creates a sense of connection as people feel like shopping in physical stores. As live selling has a core element of being in real time, people can question and know about the product. Compared with traditional shopping, one can place an order through links mentioned in the livestream.

preview of live selling

Is It Beneficial To Sell Live in This Digital Industry?

Live selling is an emerging way to attract customers to shop on online marketplaces. According to research, 76% of US adults prefer shopping online for clothes and groceries. It focuses on customers’ desire to know about products that generate sales. Thus, it proves beneficial in many terms, among which a few are elaborated below:

1. Engaging and Updating Communication

Businesses can directly engage with a broader audience by entering the live selling industry. They get knowledge about current product trends to introduce similar things. Besides, this method eliminates the need to target customers in-store or via e-mails. Now, businesses can market their product and live sales simultaneously.

2. Reduced Return Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Before live selling, people need to search for what they want by visiting the official sites of brands. Also, they scroll to read honest product reviews for the validity of products. With live selling, customers can view the products and ask questions during the live sessions. Therefore, it lowers the return rates to 40% while increasing customer satisfaction and trust.

3. Potential Growth and Virtual Demonstrations

This online shopping mode has the potential to upscale your business. According to a survey, companies can see top-line growth upward of 25% through live selling. Apart from upscaling, they can see their digital competitors and define new ways to stand out. Sellers can compete by providing discount coupons and virtual demonstrations of products.

Part 2. What’s the Core Elements of a Live Video

Selling products via online videos is a marketing technique that is rapidly growing. Already, 80% of marketers confess that livestream shopping is integral to boosting sales online. If you are going tosell live as a seller, you should read this part for some insights. Here, you will learn the core elements of a live video to make your sale successful:

1. Livestream Selling Platform

To expand the product’s reach, it is essential to carefully select an online live selling platform. It could be a native live shopping platform, social media, or merchant website. As Gen Z and millennials are more attracted to live streaming, social media platforms would be ideal hosts. Many brands are integrating social media with e-commerce to cut the need for two separate apps.

2. Real-Time Session With Host

Upon choosing a suitable platform, a live video session is arranged. For that purpose, you need a host who should seem trustworthy and relatable to the product. There could be more than one person in the live sale to demonstrate products and share tips and benefits. Besides, the host needs to interact with the customers and share thoughts about the product.

3. Points of Product or Video Content

The main object of live selling is to sell products, but the best way is to create hype. In this regard, brands offer special discounts and giveaways valid only during live streams. It increases the tendency of customers to make purchases during the live sessions. The live session must be 20-30 minutes and include click-on links for easy buying.

Significant Statistics To Support Increasing Influence of Live Selling

The concept of livestream sales emerged decades ago but gained a spotlight in 2016 in China. Afterward, it flourished worldwide and grew to 171 billion USD in 2020. An estimation of the US livestream shopping market reveals worth $35 billion by 2024. Live selling is evolving not only in the US but also in other regions of the globe.

Live Streaming Sales in Regions
China 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023
The United States $17 billion in 2023
Europe Influenced 50% more than physical or online Purchasing
Livestream shopping Platforms (US 2022)
Facebook Live 55%
YouTube Live 52%
Instagram 46%
Amazon Live 30%

Part 3. Live Selling Strategies To Boost Revenue

Anyone can live sale online because you have to explain products and respond to queries. Yet not everyone generates the same revenue and gets immense popularity. The reason is operative strategies and tips, which you can use in the below discussion to gear up your shopping stream.

1. Use 24/7 Hours Seamless AI Live Streaming Software

Most sellers are unaware of current digital trends and the right actions for live selling. In that context, you need a platform to provide everything from script to selling videos. However, using Wondershare Virbo Live and staying in a single place is suggested to plan and execute the live shopping. Virbo Live is an AI tool that connects sellers with customers through streaming videos.

  1. **AI Avatar:**Wondershare Virbo Live offers an AI avatar feature for start-ups and small business owners. It eliminates the need for a well-groomed host or managing crew. AI avatars can perfectly mimic your actions with natural movements to engage the audience.
  2. **Q&A Library:**The platform allows the creation of automatic responses with a personalized library of questions. The major advantage of having such an option is that it helps users connect better with the audience.
  3. **Text Interaction:**The quality of content can be easily manipulated and managed across Wondershare Virbo Live. You can provide text to trigger your AI streamer to speak within the live stream.

Compatibility with Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Alibaba, and X(Twitter).

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Create a Complete Livestream Room With Wondershare Virbo Live

Wondershare Virbo Live is available online and offers a cloud-based service. To fully utilize this live selling strategy, follow these steps and explore this all-in-one tool:

  • Step 1. Access the Main Interface of Virbo Live

Start the process on Wondershare Virbo Live by clicking the “Create Stream Room Now” button. You need to select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the livestream room creation.

create livestream room in virbo

Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize the Live Stream Video in Virbo Live

Once you find yourselves in the editing section, add a script you want to use in your live-stream video. While staying in the “Script lines” section, you can add a script in the form of text or audio. If you wish to add an audio script, go to the “Audio” tab and select “Upload local voice.” This voice will then be used across the live stream video in Virbo Live.

add audio script to virbo livestream

  • Step 3. Set Avatar and Other Elements Before Starting Livestreaming

Following this, you can add your required avatars, background, and stickers to the video with the options at the top of the window. Finally, when you are done exploring, hit the “Start livestream” option and live sell on any of the supported platforms.

set avatar background and stickers

2. Pick an Appropriate Date and Time

Another tip to consider is choosing the right time and date for the maximum viewers. In this regard, retailers should avoid a popular shopping period such as Black Friday. In contrast, it is suggested to pick weekends or holidays where customers must be free to join. Also, never choose the working hours of any day and consider the time zones for a global audience.

3. Keep the Conversation Engaging and Funny

Customers can read the product details and see how it looks, so what difference will they get from a live sale? Considering this perspective, sellers should bring something unique to the shopping stream. For this purpose, they can explain the product’s benefits and use cases. Furthermore, they should keep their tone friendly and humorous for the targeted audience.


To summarize, livestream sale s is an emerging concept to boost revenue and sales. As shown in this article, it is fruitful for retailers and significantly contributes to generating sales. Like China’s ever-changing live selling industry, Wondershare Virbo Live is also an emerging tool. It is emerging to change virtual selling dynamics by providing seamless live-stream videos.

Live Commerce Success Stories: Lessons Learned & Predictions for the Future

The world of e-commerce has gone through a tremendous transformation in the recent past, with terms like live commerce, live streaming, live shopping, and live chat becoming a norm. Streaming commerce has become popular and brands are looking for the best live tools to push their products in the market. Businesses that have taken advantage of live streaming e commerce report higher conversion rates and increased sales. In this article, we explore the concept of live streaming as successfully applied by different companies and how artificial intelligence is going to further transform this area of business.

Part 1: Background Information of Live Commerce

To get started, let’s define what is live ecommerce. Is it different from the ecommerce that most people know or just an enhanced version? Do you need any special tools to be successful in live stream ecommerce and how does it boost sales?

01 What is Live Commerce?

Live commerce is the act of selling products online via immersive live shopping platforms. Brands and creators use live commerce in the form of live and shoppable videos to sell their products while shoppers can interact with brands in real-time. In simpler terms, live stream commerce is like a customer watching a livestream event but can shop.

live commerce

To be successful with live e commerce, you would need certain tools like a live shopping platform, shopping cart integration, and live chat to give your viewers the ultimate user experience. This allows consumers to watch, talk, and shop your products from wherever they are and at any time.

02 Benefits of Ecommerce Live

The e commerce live streaming trend started in China, and spread to other parts of the world quickly. This was back in 2016 when the Chinese retail giant Alibaba launched its live stream shopping event that became an instant success. Within the first 20 minutes, Alibaba had generated over $7.5 billion in transaction value.

Although the same approach had been used by QVC Home Shopping Network years before, the real integration of internet live shopping started with Alibaba. From this success, several notable benefits of e-commerce live streaming can be realized:

  1. Sales Acceleration: Live commerce generates sales quicker by exposing brands and products to thousands of viewers in minutes
  2. Promotes Better Engagement: With people being 2x more likely to share videos with their friends and families compared to static ads, live commerce generates higher engagement than other forms of content.
  3. Encourages Impulse Buying: People are more likely to buy a product when they are involved in an exclusive even for fear of missing out on the limited-time offers.
  4. Builds Brand Awareness: Live commerce allows consumers to see the face behind the brand or the influencers pushing the products, which makes them connect more with the brand.

Part 2: Successful Case in Live Online Shopping: Transforming Brands through Engagement

The use of live commerce features has made significant impacts on business industries. From collaboration with influencers to engaging viewers in consultation, the following brands have transformed their engagement through live online shopping:

1. Michael Kors: Fashionable Collaboration Boosts Engagement

Michael Kors partnered with the popular influencer Aimee Song to host a live stream showcasing their new Spring collection. During the ecommerce live streaming event, Aimee styled various looks while offering insights and answering viewers’ questions.

aimee song

Achievement: The e commerce live streaming event garnered over 1 million views and increased website traffic by 300%. Michael Kors recorded that the sales of featured items surpassed expectations, as the dress that Aimee wore was sold out within minutes.

Lessons Drawn: Collaborations with relatable influencers can drive significant engagement and sales. The live stream event also demonstrated the importance of interactive elements like styling tips and real-time Q&A in fostering connections and building trust with customers.

2. Sephora: Beauty Unboxed with Community Building

Sephora leveraged streaming commerce to host makeup tutorials, product demonstrations, and expert sessions with brands like Fenty Beauty. During the live commerce event, viewers could purchase products directly from the stream and interact with each other via a live chat.


Achievement: The live commerce event boosted Sephora sales by 30% of the featured products. They also saw a 200% rise in engagement on their social media channels, increasing their brand awareness. The live chat fostered a sense of community as viewers could directly share tips and recommendations.

Lessons Drawn: Brands can create a powerful formula for success by combining education, entertainment, and community building. Live streaming e commerce provides valuable product information and real-time interactions that can be used to foster loyalty while building lasting communities.

3. Nike: Live Workouts Drive Brand Advocacy

Nike partnered with professional athletes and trainers to host live workout sessions on their app. The live commerce event allowed viewers to participate in the workouts at home, purchase featured Nike apparel and equipment, and interact with other users.


Achievement: The live workouts event increased app downloads by 40% and sale of features products by 25%. Viewers could actively share their workout experiences during the live stream commerce, creating positive brand buzz and advocating for Nike products.

Lessons Drawn: Live stream commerce can go beyond mere product promotion by offering valuable experiences like workouts. By adding interactive elements and community engagement, sellers can fuel their brand advocacy and create loyal customers.

4. L’Oreal: Personalized Skincare Consultations

L’Oreal launched a live consultation service within its app. The live commerce feature allowed users to connect with dermatologists and beauty advisors for personalized skincare recommendations. They would then purchase recommended products directly from the consultation.


Achievement: The live consultations increased app usage by 50% and grew sales of recommended products by 35%. The e-commerce live-streaming event saw users appreciate the personalized advice they got and a seamless purchasing experience.

Lessons Drawn: Live commerce can be more than entertainment by offering valuable services like consultations. By engaging in personalized experiences, brands can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to conversions and repeat purchases.

Part 3: Future Landscape: Live Streaming with AI

The evolution of live commerce is far from over. The next frontier lies in the seamless integration of artificial intelligence (AI), which promises an even more personalized and immersive shopping experience. With features like AI streamers and personalized product recommendations, brands are poised to benefit the most from these developments. Here is a tool that will help you take your live commerce experience to the next level.

01 Integrating Virbo Live for Live Commerce

Virbo Live offers cost-efficient and multilingual AI-driven avatars to boost your viewers’ experience during live shopping. By seamlessly integrating AI streamers into your live commerce events, you can boost your revenue by providing accurate product information and encouraging viewers to make a purchase. The avatars will make your live commerce more engaging, convenient, and interactive.


Advantages of Virbo Live Commerce:

  • Continuous 24/7 live commerce broadcasting without interruptions
  • Cost-effective streamers with lower personnel and equipment expenses
  • Reduced dependence on large human teams
  • Seamless language and accent translations to engage a diverse global audience
  • Stable and lag-free streaming performance
  • Enhanced content safety through AI-driven moderation.

02 Simplified Workflow and Better Viewer Experience with Virbo Live

To get started with Virbo Live, choose an appropriate AI avatar, generate the script, and go live. The process is simple and will take only a few minutes. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide :

Step 1 Create a Live Shopping Rooms

Log into Virbo Live and click “Create a Blank Livestream Room” or select a template from the available options to get started.

virbo live sign in

Step 2 Choose AI Streamers and Background

Select a virtual streamer from the virtual host library. Customize the avatar and the background to match your brand and live commerce event.

choose avatar

Step 3 Enter Text or Voice

Enter a script or upload your audio for the AI Avatar to seamlessly interact with the viewers. Virbo Live also offers an AI smart scriptwriter and AI translator for automatic script generation.

generate script

Step 4 Start Live Streaming

Click Start Live Streaming and connect your AI avatar to your live commerce platform using the OBS OBS software.

live stream

Step 5 Interact With the Audience

Activate the Interact With the Audience feature to allow the AI streamer to seamlessly engage your viewers without your involvement.

interact with audience

FAQs about Live Commerce

1. What are the drawbacks of live commerce?

Live commerce allows you to access a wider audience and boost sales revenue, but it comes with a few downsides too. You may have to deal with technical hiccups, poor audio quality, and viewers getting distracted or bored.

2. How do I succeed with live commerce streaming?

To succeed with live commerce streaming, you need to choose the right live shopping platform and keep your viewers engaged with the right content and interactions.

3. What is the difference between regular streaming and live commerce streaming?

Regular streaming involves uploading pre-recorded videos online for viewers to watch at a time of their choosing while live commerce streaming is real-time broadcasting while the video is being recorded.

4. Is live commerce streaming better than video recording?

Yes, live commerce streaming is usually more economical than pre-recorded streaming. It requires less resources and time to produce while keeping the viewers engaged.


Live commerce provides a unique opportunity for brands to reach more audiences and increase their sales revenue. While it has revolutionized online shopping, creating content for live commerce can be expensive and time-consuming. That’s why Virbo Live offers AI streamers to automate live commerce and allow brands to keep their viewers engaged at a lower cost. By leveraging artificial intelligence, you can enhance your viewers’ live shopping experience while getting the best out of the experience.

The world of e-commerce has gone through a tremendous transformation in the recent past, with terms like live commerce, live streaming, live shopping, and live chat becoming a norm. Streaming commerce has become popular and brands are looking for the best live tools to push their products in the market. Businesses that have taken advantage of live streaming e commerce report higher conversion rates and increased sales. In this article, we explore the concept of live streaming as successfully applied by different companies and how artificial intelligence is going to further transform this area of business.

Part 1: Background Information of Live Commerce

To get started, let’s define what is live ecommerce. Is it different from the ecommerce that most people know or just an enhanced version? Do you need any special tools to be successful in live stream ecommerce and how does it boost sales?

01 What is Live Commerce?

Live commerce is the act of selling products online via immersive live shopping platforms. Brands and creators use live commerce in the form of live and shoppable videos to sell their products while shoppers can interact with brands in real-time. In simpler terms, live stream commerce is like a customer watching a livestream event but can shop.

live commerce

To be successful with live e commerce, you would need certain tools like a live shopping platform, shopping cart integration, and live chat to give your viewers the ultimate user experience. This allows consumers to watch, talk, and shop your products from wherever they are and at any time.

02 Benefits of Ecommerce Live

The e commerce live streaming trend started in China, and spread to other parts of the world quickly. This was back in 2016 when the Chinese retail giant Alibaba launched its live stream shopping event that became an instant success. Within the first 20 minutes, Alibaba had generated over $7.5 billion in transaction value.

Although the same approach had been used by QVC Home Shopping Network years before, the real integration of internet live shopping started with Alibaba. From this success, several notable benefits of e-commerce live streaming can be realized:

  1. Sales Acceleration: Live commerce generates sales quicker by exposing brands and products to thousands of viewers in minutes
  2. Promotes Better Engagement: With people being 2x more likely to share videos with their friends and families compared to static ads, live commerce generates higher engagement than other forms of content.
  3. Encourages Impulse Buying: People are more likely to buy a product when they are involved in an exclusive even for fear of missing out on the limited-time offers.
  4. Builds Brand Awareness: Live commerce allows consumers to see the face behind the brand or the influencers pushing the products, which makes them connect more with the brand.

Part 2: Successful Case in Live Online Shopping: Transforming Brands through Engagement

The use of live commerce features has made significant impacts on business industries. From collaboration with influencers to engaging viewers in consultation, the following brands have transformed their engagement through live online shopping:

1. Michael Kors: Fashionable Collaboration Boosts Engagement

Michael Kors partnered with the popular influencer Aimee Song to host a live stream showcasing their new Spring collection. During the ecommerce live streaming event, Aimee styled various looks while offering insights and answering viewers’ questions.

aimee song

Achievement: The e commerce live streaming event garnered over 1 million views and increased website traffic by 300%. Michael Kors recorded that the sales of featured items surpassed expectations, as the dress that Aimee wore was sold out within minutes.

Lessons Drawn: Collaborations with relatable influencers can drive significant engagement and sales. The live stream event also demonstrated the importance of interactive elements like styling tips and real-time Q&A in fostering connections and building trust with customers.

2. Sephora: Beauty Unboxed with Community Building

Sephora leveraged streaming commerce to host makeup tutorials, product demonstrations, and expert sessions with brands like Fenty Beauty. During the live commerce event, viewers could purchase products directly from the stream and interact with each other via a live chat.


Achievement: The live commerce event boosted Sephora sales by 30% of the featured products. They also saw a 200% rise in engagement on their social media channels, increasing their brand awareness. The live chat fostered a sense of community as viewers could directly share tips and recommendations.

Lessons Drawn: Brands can create a powerful formula for success by combining education, entertainment, and community building. Live streaming e commerce provides valuable product information and real-time interactions that can be used to foster loyalty while building lasting communities.

3. Nike: Live Workouts Drive Brand Advocacy

Nike partnered with professional athletes and trainers to host live workout sessions on their app. The live commerce event allowed viewers to participate in the workouts at home, purchase featured Nike apparel and equipment, and interact with other users.


Achievement: The live workouts event increased app downloads by 40% and sale of features products by 25%. Viewers could actively share their workout experiences during the live stream commerce, creating positive brand buzz and advocating for Nike products.

Lessons Drawn: Live stream commerce can go beyond mere product promotion by offering valuable experiences like workouts. By adding interactive elements and community engagement, sellers can fuel their brand advocacy and create loyal customers.

4. L’Oreal: Personalized Skincare Consultations

L’Oreal launched a live consultation service within its app. The live commerce feature allowed users to connect with dermatologists and beauty advisors for personalized skincare recommendations. They would then purchase recommended products directly from the consultation.


Achievement: The live consultations increased app usage by 50% and grew sales of recommended products by 35%. The e-commerce live-streaming event saw users appreciate the personalized advice they got and a seamless purchasing experience.

Lessons Drawn: Live commerce can be more than entertainment by offering valuable services like consultations. By engaging in personalized experiences, brands can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to conversions and repeat purchases.

Part 3: Future Landscape: Live Streaming with AI

The evolution of live commerce is far from over. The next frontier lies in the seamless integration of artificial intelligence (AI), which promises an even more personalized and immersive shopping experience. With features like AI streamers and personalized product recommendations, brands are poised to benefit the most from these developments. Here is a tool that will help you take your live commerce experience to the next level.

01 Integrating Virbo Live for Live Commerce

Virbo Live offers cost-efficient and multilingual AI-driven avatars to boost your viewers’ experience during live shopping. By seamlessly integrating AI streamers into your live commerce events, you can boost your revenue by providing accurate product information and encouraging viewers to make a purchase. The avatars will make your live commerce more engaging, convenient, and interactive.


Advantages of Virbo Live Commerce:

  • Continuous 24/7 live commerce broadcasting without interruptions
  • Cost-effective streamers with lower personnel and equipment expenses
  • Reduced dependence on large human teams
  • Seamless language and accent translations to engage a diverse global audience
  • Stable and lag-free streaming performance
  • Enhanced content safety through AI-driven moderation.

02 Simplified Workflow and Better Viewer Experience with Virbo Live

To get started with Virbo Live, choose an appropriate AI avatar, generate the script, and go live. The process is simple and will take only a few minutes. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide :

Step 1 Create a Live Shopping Rooms

Log into Virbo Live and click “Create a Blank Livestream Room” or select a template from the available options to get started.

virbo live sign in

Step 2 Choose AI Streamers and Background

Select a virtual streamer from the virtual host library. Customize the avatar and the background to match your brand and live commerce event.

choose avatar

Step 3 Enter Text or Voice

Enter a script or upload your audio for the AI Avatar to seamlessly interact with the viewers. Virbo Live also offers an AI smart scriptwriter and AI translator for automatic script generation.

generate script

Step 4 Start Live Streaming

Click Start Live Streaming and connect your AI avatar to your live commerce platform using the OBS OBS software.

live stream

Step 5 Interact With the Audience

Activate the Interact With the Audience feature to allow the AI streamer to seamlessly engage your viewers without your involvement.

interact with audience

FAQs about Live Commerce

1. What are the drawbacks of live commerce?

Live commerce allows you to access a wider audience and boost sales revenue, but it comes with a few downsides too. You may have to deal with technical hiccups, poor audio quality, and viewers getting distracted or bored.

2. How do I succeed with live commerce streaming?

To succeed with live commerce streaming, you need to choose the right live shopping platform and keep your viewers engaged with the right content and interactions.

3. What is the difference between regular streaming and live commerce streaming?

Regular streaming involves uploading pre-recorded videos online for viewers to watch at a time of their choosing while live commerce streaming is real-time broadcasting while the video is being recorded.

4. Is live commerce streaming better than video recording?

Yes, live commerce streaming is usually more economical than pre-recorded streaming. It requires less resources and time to produce while keeping the viewers engaged.


Live commerce provides a unique opportunity for brands to reach more audiences and increase their sales revenue. While it has revolutionized online shopping, creating content for live commerce can be expensive and time-consuming. That’s why Virbo Live offers AI streamers to automate live commerce and allow brands to keep their viewers engaged at a lower cost. By leveraging artificial intelligence, you can enhance your viewers’ live shopping experience while getting the best out of the experience.

How To Get More NFL Viewers For Your Sports Live Streaming Channel

If you are running a sports live-streaming channel, tapping into the NFL is the best advice you could get now. With millions of viewers regularly tuning in for NFL games, it’s no surprise that the league dominates the list of the most-watched programs.

NFL fans often look for NFL live stream that offers high-quality coverage, reliable streaming, and comprehensive analysis. So this time, we’ll outline strategies to help you attract more NFL viewers to your sports live streaming channel.

NFL live stream for sports channel

Part 1: Choosing a Platform for Your Live NFL Game Stream

When considering getting NFL viewers, you need to know the best platform to stream live NFL games for your channel. Basically, you can always use any live streaming platform as long as you have OBS studio to work as a streaming encoder.

Popular options include Twitch, YouTube Live, and Discord. Each platform has its unique advantages and demographics, so it’s crucial to research and choose the one that aligns best with your target audience.


NFL live stream on Twitch

Twitch is a popular choice for gaming content and has a large community of avid gamers and esports enthusiasts. It offers robust features such as chat integration, customizable overlays, and subscription options, which can help foster a sense of community and engagement among viewers.


  • Interactive features to enhance viewer engagement during live streams.
  • Various monetization options, such as subscriptions, bits, and donations.


  • Twitch’s audience is primarily younger people interested in gaming content, so reaching NFL fans might be more challenging.
  • Twitch has strict content guidelines that could potentially limit the types of NFL content that can be streamed.

YouTube Live

NFL live stream on YouTube Live

YouTube Live, on the other hand, boasts a massive user base and seamless integration with the rest of the YouTube platform. This means that your live streams can reach a broader audience, including those who may not necessarily be actively searching for NFL content but might stumble upon your stream while browsing related videos.

YouTube also often serve as an NFL streaming service. So you don’t have to worry about setting up a separate streaming platform or dealing with technical issues that may arise.


  • YouTube’s massive user base makes it easier to reach a broader audience, including NFL fans.
  • YouTube’s search engine optimization (SEO) can help NFL streams rank well in search results.


  • YouTube Live has a lot of competition, making it harder for new streamers to stand out and attract viewers.
  • Streaming NFL content can be a challenge especially if it includes copyrighted material.


NFL live stream on Discord

If you own a Discord server with sports fans, you can live stream NFL games free with your Discord server members. Discord provides a more private platform for streaming, so it minimizes concerns about your channel being restricted due to copyright violations or other issues when watching NFL live.

Using the screen share feature on Discord, you can host streaming parties and interact with your audience in real time. Discord’s platform also supports high-quality videos that guarantee a seamless and immersive viewing experience for everyone.


  • Customizable with various channels, roles, and bots to create unique experiences for their audience.
  • Direct communication between streamers and viewers through text, voice, and video channels.
  • Safer to be used for live streaming NFL games as it’s more private.


  • Lacks the discoverability of platforms like Twitch and YouTube.
  • No built-in monetization options like subscriptions or ads.

For live streaming the game, you can watch the NFL live on various platforms and services . Some popular options include NFL+, Streaming Services (YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, and FuboTV), or Broadcast Networks (CBS, FOX, and ESPN). Alternatively, some of the NFL game live stream online free options are USTVGO, FSL, CricFree, and more.

After knowing which streaming platform to use, it’s essential to proceed with caution. Live-streaming NFL games can present various challenges and considerations, including streaming quality, licensing agreements, potential copyright issues, and more.

Part 2: Strategies to Implement During Live Streaming

Now that you know which platform to use for your sports live-streaming channel, it’s time to strategize your live-streaming approach to maximize audience engagement and make your channel a go-to destination for NFL fans.

During the NFL live stream, you’ll want to captivate your audience from kickoff to the final whistle. Engaging visuals, insightful commentary, and seamless transitions are important in keeping your audience hooked.

Try out these strategies to attract your viewers during NFL live streaming:

  1. Make a Pre-game Analysis

Before the game begins, provide viewers with insightful analysis and predictions about the upcoming match. Discuss key players, recent team performances, and any strategic adjustments that could impact the game’s outcome. This pre-game analysis helps build anticipation and engagement among viewers.

  1. Interactive Polls and Q&A Sessions

You can engage with viewers during the NFL livestream by incorporating interactive elements such as polls and Q&A sessions. Ask viewers to vote on game predictions, MVP candidates, or play of the game. Or, you can encourage viewers to ask questions or share their thoughts in the chat and respond to them to foster interaction and community engagement.

  1. In-game Commentary

You can provide play-by-play analysis, insights into player performances, and strategic observations throughout the NFL streams. Use visuals such as graphics, replays, and statistics to make your commentary more engaging and improve the viewing experience.

  1. Post-game Analysis and Highlights

After the game concludes, provide viewers with comprehensive post-game analysis and highlights. Recap key moments, analyze standout performances, and discuss the implications of the game on the team’s season to encourage continued engagement and discussion.

  1. Make Your Channel Discoverable

Make sure your NFL stream titles clearly state the sport or activity. Use tags like “Football” and add descriptors like “Sidecasting” or “Sports Talk” to give viewers an idea of what to expect.

You can also personalize your NFL livestream to boost engagement. Add extensions such as alerts and overlays. Use templates from the platform or third-party tools to make your stream unique.

Part 3: Engaging NFL Fan Viewers with AI Tools

Besides implementing strategies during the NFL live stream, you also need to make your channel discoverable and engage NFL fans to view your channel. The key to this tip is to maintain a constant presence as much as possible.

One effective method to streamline your NFL live streaming is by using AI tools like Wondershare Virbo Live, which can help you set up a continuous 24/7 live stream. With Virbo Live, you don’t have to be constantly present while still attracting a wider audience base by providing constant coverage of NFL-related content.

Additionally, the Virbo live stream feature seamlessly integrates with major live-streaming platforms supported by OBS. That’s why many content creators and fan communities find it convenient to use this tool for their live-streaming needs.

How to live stream 24/7 with Wondershare Virbo Live

To live stream NFL content 24/7 with Wondershare Virbo Live, you need to prepare your AI avatar and set up the templates first. After customizing your avatar, you can acquire the streaming key if available. This key will allow OBS to connect with the streaming platform. Otherwise, you can use OBS as your virtual camera.

Follow these steps on how to live stream 24/7:

Step 1: Access Wondershare Virbo Live and create a live streaming room.

Go to Wondershare Virbo Live . Select “Create Stream Room Now” > “Create a Blank Live Stream Room” to start the setup process.

How to live stream 24/7 with Virbo Live

Step 2: Develop your script or upload existing audio recordings.

Within the Virbo Live interface, you have the option to either write the script for your live stream or upload audio content that you’ve prepared beforehand by clicking “Upload local file.”

Write your content script for NFL live stream

Tip: Make use of Virbo’s AI Script Writer tool for inspiration. Click on “AI Smart Script” and input relevant topic details, language preferences, and style choices to generate a script. You can then refine it as necessary.

Use AI Smart Script for NFL live stream

Step 3: Personalize your AI avatar and background.

Head to the “AI Avatars” section to select an avatar suitable for your live stream. Additionally, you can customize the background, add stickers, or choose from available templates to enhance the visual appeal of your stream.

Customize AI avatar and background

Step 4: Start the live stream.

Once you’ve configured your AI avatar and background, click on “Start Livestream.” The next step should be acquiring the platform’s streaming key to put into the OBS. Then, you can start streaming.


If you’re running a sports live-streaming channel, making use of the NFL live stream is your best bet. With millions of viewers regularly tuning in for NFL games, you have a ready-made audience eager for content.

Moreover, integrating AI tools like Wondershare Virbo Live allows you to have continuous 24/7 live streaming. You can provide consistent coverage of NFL-related content and attract a broader audience base. By following the steps outlined above, you can streamline your broadcasting process and focus on delivering high-quality content to NFL fans.

YouTube Live

NFL live stream on YouTube Live

YouTube Live, on the other hand, boasts a massive user base and seamless integration with the rest of the YouTube platform. This means that your live streams can reach a broader audience, including those who may not necessarily be actively searching for NFL content but might stumble upon your stream while browsing related videos.

YouTube also often serve as an NFL streaming service. So you don’t have to worry about setting up a separate streaming platform or dealing with technical issues that may arise.


  • YouTube’s massive user base makes it easier to reach a broader audience, including NFL fans.
  • YouTube’s search engine optimization (SEO) can help NFL streams rank well in search results.


  • YouTube Live has a lot of competition, making it harder for new streamers to stand out and attract viewers.
  • Streaming NFL content can be a challenge especially if it includes copyrighted material.


NFL live stream on Discord

If you own a Discord server with sports fans, you can live stream NFL games free with your Discord server members. Discord provides a more private platform for streaming, so it minimizes concerns about your channel being restricted due to copyright violations or other issues when watching NFL live.

Using the screen share feature on Discord, you can host streaming parties and interact with your audience in real time. Discord’s platform also supports high-quality videos that guarantee a seamless and immersive viewing experience for everyone.


  • Customizable with various channels, roles, and bots to create unique experiences for their audience.
  • Direct communication between streamers and viewers through text, voice, and video channels.
  • Safer to be used for live streaming NFL games as it’s more private.


  • Lacks the discoverability of platforms like Twitch and YouTube.
  • No built-in monetization options like subscriptions or ads.

For live streaming the game, you can watch the NFL live on various platforms and services . Some popular options include NFL+, Streaming Services (YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, and FuboTV), or Broadcast Networks (CBS, FOX, and ESPN). Alternatively, some of the NFL game live stream online free options are USTVGO, FSL, CricFree, and more.

After knowing which streaming platform to use, it’s essential to proceed with caution. Live-streaming NFL games can present various challenges and considerations, including streaming quality, licensing agreements, potential copyright issues, and more.

Part 2: Strategies to Implement During Live Streaming

Now that you know which platform to use for your sports live-streaming channel, it’s time to strategize your live-streaming approach to maximize audience engagement and make your channel a go-to destination for NFL fans.

During the NFL live stream, you’ll want to captivate your audience from kickoff to the final whistle. Engaging visuals, insightful commentary, and seamless transitions are important in keeping your audience hooked.

Try out these strategies to attract your viewers during NFL live streaming:

  1. Make a Pre-game Analysis

Before the game begins, provide viewers with insightful analysis and predictions about the upcoming match. Discuss key players, recent team performances, and any strategic adjustments that could impact the game’s outcome. This pre-game analysis helps build anticipation and engagement among viewers.

  1. Interactive Polls and Q&A Sessions

You can engage with viewers during the NFL livestream by incorporating interactive elements such as polls and Q&A sessions. Ask viewers to vote on game predictions, MVP candidates, or play of the game. Or, you can encourage viewers to ask questions or share their thoughts in the chat and respond to them to foster interaction and community engagement.

  1. In-game Commentary

You can provide play-by-play analysis, insights into player performances, and strategic observations throughout the NFL streams. Use visuals such as graphics, replays, and statistics to make your commentary more engaging and improve the viewing experience.

  1. Post-game Analysis and Highlights

After the game concludes, provide viewers with comprehensive post-game analysis and highlights. Recap key moments, analyze standout performances, and discuss the implications of the game on the team’s season to encourage continued engagement and discussion.

  1. Make Your Channel Discoverable

Make sure your NFL stream titles clearly state the sport or activity. Use tags like “Football” and add descriptors like “Sidecasting” or “Sports Talk” to give viewers an idea of what to expect.

You can also personalize your NFL livestream to boost engagement. Add extensions such as alerts and overlays. Use templates from the platform or third-party tools to make your stream unique.

Part 3: Engaging NFL Fan Viewers with AI Tools

Besides implementing strategies during the NFL live stream, you also need to make your channel discoverable and engage NFL fans to view your channel. The key to this tip is to maintain a constant presence as much as possible.

One effective method to streamline your NFL live streaming is by using AI tools like Wondershare Virbo Live, which can help you set up a continuous 24/7 live stream. With Virbo Live, you don’t have to be constantly present while still attracting a wider audience base by providing constant coverage of NFL-related content.

Additionally, the Virbo live stream feature seamlessly integrates with major live-streaming platforms supported by OBS. That’s why many content creators and fan communities find it convenient to use this tool for their live-streaming needs.

How to live stream 24/7 with Wondershare Virbo Live

To live stream NFL content 24/7 with Wondershare Virbo Live, you need to prepare your AI avatar and set up the templates first. After customizing your avatar, you can acquire the streaming key if available. This key will allow OBS to connect with the streaming platform. Otherwise, you can use OBS as your virtual camera.

Follow these steps on how to live stream 24/7:

Step 1: Access Wondershare Virbo Live and create a live streaming room.

Go to Wondershare Virbo Live . Select “Create Stream Room Now” > “Create a Blank Live Stream Room” to start the setup process.

How to live stream 24/7 with Virbo Live

Step 2: Develop your script or upload existing audio recordings.

Within the Virbo Live interface, you have the option to either write the script for your live stream or upload audio content that you’ve prepared beforehand by clicking “Upload local file.”

Write your content script for NFL live stream

Tip: Make use of Virbo’s AI Script Writer tool for inspiration. Click on “AI Smart Script” and input relevant topic details, language preferences, and style choices to generate a script. You can then refine it as necessary.

Use AI Smart Script for NFL live stream

Step 3: Personalize your AI avatar and background.

Head to the “AI Avatars” section to select an avatar suitable for your live stream. Additionally, you can customize the background, add stickers, or choose from available templates to enhance the visual appeal of your stream.

Customize AI avatar and background

Step 4: Start the live stream.

Once you’ve configured your AI avatar and background, click on “Start Livestream.” The next step should be acquiring the platform’s streaming key to put into the OBS. Then, you can start streaming.


If you’re running a sports live-streaming channel, making use of the NFL live stream is your best bet. With millions of viewers regularly tuning in for NFL games, you have a ready-made audience eager for content.

Moreover, integrating AI tools like Wondershare Virbo Live allows you to have continuous 24/7 live streaming. You can provide consistent coverage of NFL-related content and attract a broader audience base. By following the steps outlined above, you can streamline your broadcasting process and focus on delivering high-quality content to NFL fans.

Facebook Live Shopping: A Comprehensive Guide

After the COVID-19 pandemic, people started trusting online shopping. Therefore, a live shopping trend emerged, which felt like a one-on-one conversation between shopkeepers and buyers. In this regard, different platforms developed and facilitated live shopping. Yet, many features and options need to be introduced for an evener shopping experience.

Considering this scenario, major tech giants like Meta entered the market. They released a Facebook live shopping feature and pushed the boundaries of e-commerce. If you are new to this tech-based shopping or selling, this guide is for you. However, read it by the end to get comprehensive insights on Facebook live selling and shopping.


Part 1. A Brief Introduction to Facebook Live Shopping

Facebook live shopping is a free tool to interact directly with sellers during a live video. It is among the top livestream shopping platforms in the US, and it was launched in 2021. Retailers connect with buyers while showing their items in real-world scenarios through this service. Facebook lets them tag their product in live streaming, containing website links to place orders.

According to statistics , 82% of consumers prefer livestream content from brands. Besides, 80% of the brands prefer Facebook to market their product through live videos. Still, the e-commerce market continues to develop and address loopholes in live selling with care. Anyhow, look into the perks of Facebook live selling features discussed ahead:


1. Facebook Live Shopping Notification

To bring viewer traffic, Facebook sends notifications to customers. People get notified via Messenger or Facebook notifications about their favorite brand’s live selling. This way, merchants can attract the maximum number of customers.

2. Product Demonstration

Live shopping has completely changed traditional online shopping. Unlike static photos of a product, selling live on Facebooklive shopping allows you to see how the product works. In the live session, potential customers can see how it looks, in which size it is available, and its exact color.

3. Easy Product Management

Before going live, the host can set up a shopping playlist with categories. Also, they can tag product details and website links before going live. As a result, people can easily navigate to the product, add it to their cart, and purchase directly. During the session, anyone can ask questions through the live chat feature.

Part 2. A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Facebook Live Shopping for Your Product

After understanding these features, sellers can set up their shop. For this purpose, review this section and learn to set up your Facebook shop. Below are some details on how to create a shopping profile on Facebook:

Requirements: Firstly, check your business location, which must be based in the USA. Plus, your business can be located in 21 exempt countries in America, Europe, and Asia. Afterward, create a Facebook business page where you carry an admin role. Then, ensure that Facebook supports your country’s currency. Later, verify your product is complying with Facebook’s commerce policies.

  • Step 1. Sign in or create a Facebook page containing all information about your brand. Then, go directly to the Meta Business page and hit the “Live” button in the “Create” section.
  • Step 2. From the top bar of your Meta Business page, tap the “Live Shopping” option. There, toggle the “Enable Live Shopping” option and go to stream your first shopping session.


Upon creating an account and choosing a suitable product niche, it’s time to feature them. To learn how sellers feature products, review these steps and make your items visible to viewers:

  • Step 1. As you enable the live shopping option earlier, click the “Commerce Manager” to discover the Live Shopping feature in the “Promotions” tab. Continue to select the “Create Playlist” button for setting up a product playlist for live shopping.


  • Step 2. This opens up a new window where you have to provide all the details involving the product. Add the product and their respective details, and review the result in the playlist. After you’ve created the playlist, select where you wish to go live on Facebook, i.e., desktop or mobile app. On selecting the right option, click the “Go Live” button to conclude the process.


What Products Are Suitable for Facebook Live?

Determining the top-selling product would help retailers to increase sales. Notably, clothing and accessories are the most selling products of 2022 on Facebook. Meanwhile, self-grooming products stand second, followed by furniture and electronic appliances. Provided is a list of the products that seem suitable for Facebook live shopping:

  • Electronics
  • Home and Garden
  • Vehicles
  • Clothing and Accessories
  • Furniture
  • Mobile Accessories

Part 3. Some Progressive Tips To Excel in Facebook Live Shopping

After learning about setting up a Facebook shop, you should look into some tips for settling down in the market. Thus, the following are some strategies that you need to focus on before selling live on Facebook:

1. Promote Your Shopping Event

Build anticipation of your event a couple of days before. Following that, announce or promote your event and encourage people to subscribe to your page. You can invite them via other channels like Instagram posts, blogs, and social media groups.

2. Keep It Short and Engaging

Consider the first few minutes of the live event important. Show an energetic attitude and grab the audience’s attention initially. According to research, social media users prefer to watch videos in under 1 minute.

3. Plan Things and Be Organized

It is better to plan your points of discussion before the event. You should write the outline and transition lines to shift from one product to another. Besides, keep your surroundings organized to give viewers a good impression.

4. Energetically Communicate

Make your audience as much involved in the event as you can. For this, it is suggested that they respond to their questions and ask them to comment. You can show your product trials and ask a friend or family to create more engaging discussions.

5. Don’t Let Your Work Wasted

You should not let your Facebook live online selling sessions be wasted. Save it in your timeline for people to watch anytime and get information about items. It will also attract new audiences who couldn’t join the live session.

Part 4. Sell Better With Simplicity: Wondershare Virbo Live

Live selling on Facebook seems easy, but you need effective tools to attract the most customers. In this regard, people still don’t have enough knowledge to plan and execute live streaming. Therefore, using Wondershare Virbo Live is the ultimate solution to perform the entire process in one place. It is an AI tool that offers multilingual AI-driven avatars for seamless shopping broadcasting.

You can set up a customized Q/A database for automatic queries using this tool. Plus, it is compatible with almost all social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Not only that, but you can also dive into its prominent features, which are explained below for more insights:

  1. **AI Live Script Generation:**Are you unable to brainstorm engaging pinpoints for your product selling? Use the AI Script feature of Wondershare Virbo Live and get a compelling script by describing your needs. You can even select a script tone from marketing to specialization options.
  2. **AI Translation:**To attract a diverse audience, you need videos in different languages. Therefore, Virbo Live offers a feature to translate your script into another language. Apart from that, a dubbing option holds AI voices of different languages and accents.
  3. **AI Avatars:**If you are a camera-shy person but live selling is a need of your business, use AI Avatars as a dynamic shift to progress. They can mimic real-life nuances while showing various ethnicities and attires. You pick one via scrolling, standing, or sitting pose avatars.

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Sell Better With Wondershare Virbo Live

Another notable option is that Wondershare Virbo Live lets you import an image or video background for effective enhancement. To explore that option, follow these steps and use Wondershare Virbo Live to the maximum:

  • Step 1. Access Virbo Live and Create a Blank Live Stream Room

Enter the official Virbo Live website and proceed to select the “Create Stream Room Now” button. Select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the live stream system as you lead into the main interface.


Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize Your AI Avatar for Streaming

From the editing screen of Virbo Live, press the “AI avatars” option from the top bar. Scroll and pick one avatar that suits you best. Then, hit the “Background” option next to AI Avatar and choose one background.


  • Step 3. Add Script for Livestream Video

Move to the left and enter the words you want the AI Avatar to speak under the “Script lines” section. Alternatively, you can choose the “AI Smart Script” button from the bottom left corner. You can describe your product, set a Style, and adjust other parameters to get an AI script there.


  • Step 4. Pick a Dubbing Voice for Avatar To Live Stream

After customizing the avatar, head to the “Dubbing” option from the top. Using it, pick one language and accent of the AI voice to proceed with the “Confirm” button. Finally, your live-selling video is ready to post via the “Start livestream” button at the top right corner.



To summarize, livestream selling is becoming a competition between platforms. Meta isn’t behind in this situation and offers live shopping on Facebook, which is highlighted in this guide. Undoubtedly, Facebook is setting trends, but it is difficult for many users to comprehend. Therefore, Wondershare Virbo Live is a perfect solution to plan and execute live selling seamlessly in one place.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, people started trusting online shopping. Therefore, a live shopping trend emerged, which felt like a one-on-one conversation between shopkeepers and buyers. In this regard, different platforms developed and facilitated live shopping. Yet, many features and options need to be introduced for an evener shopping experience.

Considering this scenario, major tech giants like Meta entered the market. They released a Facebook live shopping feature and pushed the boundaries of e-commerce. If you are new to this tech-based shopping or selling, this guide is for you. However, read it by the end to get comprehensive insights on Facebook live selling and shopping.


Part 1. A Brief Introduction to Facebook Live Shopping

Facebook live shopping is a free tool to interact directly with sellers during a live video. It is among the top livestream shopping platforms in the US, and it was launched in 2021. Retailers connect with buyers while showing their items in real-world scenarios through this service. Facebook lets them tag their product in live streaming, containing website links to place orders.

According to statistics , 82% of consumers prefer livestream content from brands. Besides, 80% of the brands prefer Facebook to market their product through live videos. Still, the e-commerce market continues to develop and address loopholes in live selling with care. Anyhow, look into the perks of Facebook live selling features discussed ahead:


1. Facebook Live Shopping Notification

To bring viewer traffic, Facebook sends notifications to customers. People get notified via Messenger or Facebook notifications about their favorite brand’s live selling. This way, merchants can attract the maximum number of customers.

2. Product Demonstration

Live shopping has completely changed traditional online shopping. Unlike static photos of a product, selling live on Facebooklive shopping allows you to see how the product works. In the live session, potential customers can see how it looks, in which size it is available, and its exact color.

3. Easy Product Management

Before going live, the host can set up a shopping playlist with categories. Also, they can tag product details and website links before going live. As a result, people can easily navigate to the product, add it to their cart, and purchase directly. During the session, anyone can ask questions through the live chat feature.

Part 2. A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Facebook Live Shopping for Your Product

After understanding these features, sellers can set up their shop. For this purpose, review this section and learn to set up your Facebook shop. Below are some details on how to create a shopping profile on Facebook:

Requirements: Firstly, check your business location, which must be based in the USA. Plus, your business can be located in 21 exempt countries in America, Europe, and Asia. Afterward, create a Facebook business page where you carry an admin role. Then, ensure that Facebook supports your country’s currency. Later, verify your product is complying with Facebook’s commerce policies.

  • Step 1. Sign in or create a Facebook page containing all information about your brand. Then, go directly to the Meta Business page and hit the “Live” button in the “Create” section.
  • Step 2. From the top bar of your Meta Business page, tap the “Live Shopping” option. There, toggle the “Enable Live Shopping” option and go to stream your first shopping session.


Upon creating an account and choosing a suitable product niche, it’s time to feature them. To learn how sellers feature products, review these steps and make your items visible to viewers:

  • Step 1. As you enable the live shopping option earlier, click the “Commerce Manager” to discover the Live Shopping feature in the “Promotions” tab. Continue to select the “Create Playlist” button for setting up a product playlist for live shopping.


  • Step 2. This opens up a new window where you have to provide all the details involving the product. Add the product and their respective details, and review the result in the playlist. After you’ve created the playlist, select where you wish to go live on Facebook, i.e., desktop or mobile app. On selecting the right option, click the “Go Live” button to conclude the process.


What Products Are Suitable for Facebook Live?

Determining the top-selling product would help retailers to increase sales. Notably, clothing and accessories are the most selling products of 2022 on Facebook. Meanwhile, self-grooming products stand second, followed by furniture and electronic appliances. Provided is a list of the products that seem suitable for Facebook live shopping:

  • Electronics
  • Home and Garden
  • Vehicles
  • Clothing and Accessories
  • Furniture
  • Mobile Accessories

Part 3. Some Progressive Tips To Excel in Facebook Live Shopping

After learning about setting up a Facebook shop, you should look into some tips for settling down in the market. Thus, the following are some strategies that you need to focus on before selling live on Facebook:

1. Promote Your Shopping Event

Build anticipation of your event a couple of days before. Following that, announce or promote your event and encourage people to subscribe to your page. You can invite them via other channels like Instagram posts, blogs, and social media groups.

2. Keep It Short and Engaging

Consider the first few minutes of the live event important. Show an energetic attitude and grab the audience’s attention initially. According to research, social media users prefer to watch videos in under 1 minute.

3. Plan Things and Be Organized

It is better to plan your points of discussion before the event. You should write the outline and transition lines to shift from one product to another. Besides, keep your surroundings organized to give viewers a good impression.

4. Energetically Communicate

Make your audience as much involved in the event as you can. For this, it is suggested that they respond to their questions and ask them to comment. You can show your product trials and ask a friend or family to create more engaging discussions.

5. Don’t Let Your Work Wasted

You should not let your Facebook live online selling sessions be wasted. Save it in your timeline for people to watch anytime and get information about items. It will also attract new audiences who couldn’t join the live session.

Part 4. Sell Better With Simplicity: Wondershare Virbo Live

Live selling on Facebook seems easy, but you need effective tools to attract the most customers. In this regard, people still don’t have enough knowledge to plan and execute live streaming. Therefore, using Wondershare Virbo Live is the ultimate solution to perform the entire process in one place. It is an AI tool that offers multilingual AI-driven avatars for seamless shopping broadcasting.

You can set up a customized Q/A database for automatic queries using this tool. Plus, it is compatible with almost all social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Not only that, but you can also dive into its prominent features, which are explained below for more insights:

  1. **AI Live Script Generation:**Are you unable to brainstorm engaging pinpoints for your product selling? Use the AI Script feature of Wondershare Virbo Live and get a compelling script by describing your needs. You can even select a script tone from marketing to specialization options.
  2. **AI Translation:**To attract a diverse audience, you need videos in different languages. Therefore, Virbo Live offers a feature to translate your script into another language. Apart from that, a dubbing option holds AI voices of different languages and accents.
  3. **AI Avatars:**If you are a camera-shy person but live selling is a need of your business, use AI Avatars as a dynamic shift to progress. They can mimic real-life nuances while showing various ethnicities and attires. You pick one via scrolling, standing, or sitting pose avatars.

Get Started Online Free Download

Steps To Sell Better With Wondershare Virbo Live

Another notable option is that Wondershare Virbo Live lets you import an image or video background for effective enhancement. To explore that option, follow these steps and use Wondershare Virbo Live to the maximum:

  • Step 1. Access Virbo Live and Create a Blank Live Stream Room

Enter the official Virbo Live website and proceed to select the “Create Stream Room Now” button. Select the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” button to initiate the live stream system as you lead into the main interface.


Get Started Online Free Download

  • Step 2. Customize Your AI Avatar for Streaming

From the editing screen of Virbo Live, press the “AI avatars” option from the top bar. Scroll and pick one avatar that suits you best. Then, hit the “Background” option next to AI Avatar and choose one background.


  • Step 3. Add Script for Livestream Video

Move to the left and enter the words you want the AI Avatar to speak under the “Script lines” section. Alternatively, you can choose the “AI Smart Script” button from the bottom left corner. You can describe your product, set a Style, and adjust other parameters to get an AI script there.


  • Step 4. Pick a Dubbing Voice for Avatar To Live Stream

After customizing the avatar, head to the “Dubbing” option from the top. Using it, pick one language and accent of the AI voice to proceed with the “Confirm” button. Finally, your live-selling video is ready to post via the “Start livestream” button at the top right corner.



To summarize, livestream selling is becoming a competition between platforms. Meta isn’t behind in this situation and offers live shopping on Facebook, which is highlighted in this guide. Undoubtedly, Facebook is setting trends, but it is difficult for many users to comprehend. Therefore, Wondershare Virbo Live is a perfect solution to plan and execute live selling seamlessly in one place.

Can’t Watch MLB Matches? Get Free MLB Streaming Options Now

Global sports lovers face many restrictions when watching any region-specific match. These limitations are because major rights are purchased by corresponding regional sports networks. Major League Baseball (MLB) is one of the captivating sports for enthusiasts around the globe. This sport also has restrictions on exclusive broadcasting.

Therefore, finding the best MLB streaming sites is the only hope for viewers worldwide. To make their research easy, this article presents some free MLB streaming sites for fans.

watch mlb matches on best streams

Part 1. Why is MLB Restricted in Different Regions for Users?

TV viewership of MLB games is declining due to geographical restrictions. Local TV channels purchase the broadcasting rights and impose a blackout policy. This policy restricts the game and makes it unavailable in other regions. In this way, blackouts protect the rights of local broadcasters and live-streaming services.

Moreover, the blackout policy varies according to different factors. They include league agreements, regional broadcasting rights, and teams’ home territories. For instance, at least one team is blackout out in every region of the United States. Even some surrounding regions of specific teams also have blackout restrictions. Lowa is the worst blackout out in the USA state, with six teams blacked out.

Due to having limitations, fans are forced to find MLB streaming sites to watch matches. By doing so, they can utilize live stream channels to bypass region-locked restrictions.

Part 2. Find the Best Free MLB Streaming Sites for Watching Your Favorite Matches

Millions of worldwide MLB fans love to watch every match. Meanwhile, the irritating regional restrictions frustrate them. So, they have to find the best streaming platform for gaming. To help out their ventures, we have enlisted here the five best free MLB streaming sites.

1. MLB Webcast

When you’re struggling to watch Major League Baseball games, MLB Webcast is the primary solution. This efficient game-streaming site allows free access to all MLB live streams. You can watch your favorite matches with no buffering or lag. Interestingly, the adaptive bitrate of the platform delivers high-quality video and audio for the best watching experience.

mlb webcast mlb streaming option

Key Features

  1. There are no geo-restrictions, so fans from anywhere can watch MLB matches.
  2. You can find multiple commentary options and choose the best one according to your preference.
  3. With MLB Webcast, viewers can access live streams on all devices, including phones and laptops.

2. Stream2Watch

Stream2Watch is another top-notch platform that provides MLB streaming services. You can enjoy live events and access a library of highlights through this platform. Moreover, viewers can watch expert analysis and behind-the-scene videos for better insights. Amazingly, this platform supports all devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, or TVs.

stream2watch mlb streaming option

Key Features

  1. You can access the latest news about MLB matches, players, teams, and coaches.
  2. Stream2Watch offers HD streaming with the latest technology to double the fun for viewers.
  3. This platform provides a seamless viewing experience regardless of your current location.

3. MLB66

With its intuitive options, MLB66 provides a dedicated platform for MLB fans. They can enjoy the live chatting feature while watching live matches. Moreover, users can customize device settings according to requirements. Apart from that, you can enable or disable auto-play and live chat functions.

mlb66 mlb streaming option

Key Features

  1. Viewers can change the layout and theme for a better viewing experience.
  2. A built-in betting simulator helps improve betting skills for free with virtual money.
  3. MLB66’s Stats & History section shows betting predictions and ranking history.

4. Fubo TV

Fubo is an innovative sports streaming site that supports all devices for watching MLB matches. Most importantly, you can watch live streams anytime and anywhere without restrictions. Moreover, this platform allows you to experience a trial for free. Once you purchase a plan, you can cancel the contract anytime.

fubo tv mlb streaming option

Key Features

  1. This platform provides cloud DVR to record games for up to 1000 hours.
  2. Fubo allows you to access live TV streams from 200+ renowned channels.
  3. Along with MLB streams, this streaming service lets you watch MLS, MMA, and NBA.

5. Sportsurge

Watching MLB matches with Sportsurge doubles the fun for sports lovers. This platform presents a dedicated section to experience HD live MLB streams. You don’t even need to look into your pocket to pay a heavy subscription price, as it is completely free. Overall, this is one of the best sports streaming sites to watch all popular sports like MLB, NBA, and Football.

sportsurge mlb streaming option

Key Features

  1. Sportsurge provides an easy way to check upcoming MLB matches.
  2. This platform has a user-centric interface to facilitate users with intuitive live streaming options.
  3. No region-based restrictions exist, so you want to watch sports from anywhere.

Part 3. Comparison of the Best MLB Streaming Sites [Made Easy]

As a matter of fact, every tool provides benefits with some drawbacks as well. In the above section, we have included the five best MLB streaming sites. These sites also offer both perks and negatives. So, here is a clear comparison of the sites to help you pick the best one.

Features MLB Webcast Stream2Watch MLB66 Fubo Sportsurge
MLB Live Streaming
Geographic-Restrictions No No No Available in US territories only No
Ad-Free Experience X X X X
Live Chat Feature X X X X
HD Streaming Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

After going through all these points, you have a clear idea about each platform. You can easily choose the best streaming platform for gaming and sports matches.

Bonus Part. Make Personalized Live Stream Videos Using Wondershare Virbo Live

Streaming live content has become a productive technique for different sectors. Streamers use various streaming tools to create all types of content. So, whether you want to livestream for marketing or display casual content, you need the right tool to engage the audience. For this purpose, Wondershare Virbo Live is the best live-streaming tool for sports or other such streams.

This tool provides a wide range of AI-powered features to level up your live-streaming game. You can translate text into multiple languages and use different accents for global reach. In addition, it is compatible with seamless cloud-based service. Plus, you can see automatic responses to engage more of the audience in real time.

Top-Rated Functions of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. With the Wondershare Virbo Live tool, you can choose creative AI avatars and Vtubers for your live game streams. They have various poses, attire, and ethnicities.
  2. Moreover, it has an advanced AI smart script feature that enables you to generate scripts. You just need to write a command and let it create scripts according to your needs.
  3. Users can generate dubbing of content into multiple languages with AI Streamer. Also, they can try different AI voices.

Easy Guide To Create a Streaming Room Using Wondershare Virbo Live

Virbo Live lets you start virtual streams instantly with AI-integrated functions. Following are the steps to create your streaming room in Virbo Live.

  • Step 1. Open the Website and Navigate To Create Stream Room

Begin with opening the official website of Virbo Live to find the streaming options. Scroll down and hit the “Create Stream Room Now” button. After choosing the option, it takes you inside the main editing display of the tool.

start creating virbo live stream room

  • Step 2. Choose an Appropriate Livestream Room Template

On the interface, choose a well-suited livestream room template for your live event. Once you click on a template, the tool opens the next window and shows you the selected template on the right side.

select template for quick creation

  • Step 3. Customize Livestream Template With Exciting Options

Then, you can drag objects or text given on the template to change their positions. Also, you can customize their sizes according to your marketing or content streaming needs. Besides, click on the “Background” to apply different backgrounds. Then, choose the “AI avatars” tab to select elegant avatars. Additionally, you can also add stickers to your livestream.

change avatars and backgrounds

  • Step 4. Move To Script Lines To Get Dubbed Audio

Next, click on the “Script Lines” tab at the top left corner. Choose the “Audio” option on the same screen. After that, hit the “Upload Local Voice” button to upload your local voice audio. Then, select the language and accent. Considering your selections, it generates AI-dubbed audio within a few seconds.

upload voice as script

  • Step 5. Start Your Personalized Live Stream

Once you complete all the customizations, you can start your live stream. At the window’s top right corner, hit the “Start livestream” button to initiate your live stream.

start livestream through virbo live


Watching MLB matches is always fun for viewers, but it becomes hectic when facing region-based restrictions. To overcome those limitations, this article introduces free MLB streaming sites. With these platforms, you can watch all the matches on any device from anywhere. Besides, we have introduced you to Virbo Live, which can assist you in creating your live streams with different AI functions.

After going through all these points, you have a clear idea about each platform. You can easily choose the best streaming platform for gaming and sports matches.

Bonus Part. Make Personalized Live Stream Videos Using Wondershare Virbo Live

Streaming live content has become a productive technique for different sectors. Streamers use various streaming tools to create all types of content. So, whether you want to livestream for marketing or display casual content, you need the right tool to engage the audience. For this purpose, Wondershare Virbo Live is the best live-streaming tool for sports or other such streams.

This tool provides a wide range of AI-powered features to level up your live-streaming game. You can translate text into multiple languages and use different accents for global reach. In addition, it is compatible with seamless cloud-based service. Plus, you can see automatic responses to engage more of the audience in real time.

Top-Rated Functions of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. With the Wondershare Virbo Live tool, you can choose creative AI avatars and Vtubers for your live game streams. They have various poses, attire, and ethnicities.
  2. Moreover, it has an advanced AI smart script feature that enables you to generate scripts. You just need to write a command and let it create scripts according to your needs.
  3. Users can generate dubbing of content into multiple languages with AI Streamer. Also, they can try different AI voices.

Easy Guide To Create a Streaming Room Using Wondershare Virbo Live

Virbo Live lets you start virtual streams instantly with AI-integrated functions. Following are the steps to create your streaming room in Virbo Live.

  • Step 1. Open the Website and Navigate To Create Stream Room

Begin with opening the official website of Virbo Live to find the streaming options. Scroll down and hit the “Create Stream Room Now” button. After choosing the option, it takes you inside the main editing display of the tool.

start creating virbo live stream room

  • Step 2. Choose an Appropriate Livestream Room Template

On the interface, choose a well-suited livestream room template for your live event. Once you click on a template, the tool opens the next window and shows you the selected template on the right side.

select template for quick creation

  • Step 3. Customize Livestream Template With Exciting Options

Then, you can drag objects or text given on the template to change their positions. Also, you can customize their sizes according to your marketing or content streaming needs. Besides, click on the “Background” to apply different backgrounds. Then, choose the “AI avatars” tab to select elegant avatars. Additionally, you can also add stickers to your livestream.

change avatars and backgrounds

  • Step 4. Move To Script Lines To Get Dubbed Audio

Next, click on the “Script Lines” tab at the top left corner. Choose the “Audio” option on the same screen. After that, hit the “Upload Local Voice” button to upload your local voice audio. Then, select the language and accent. Considering your selections, it generates AI-dubbed audio within a few seconds.

upload voice as script

  • Step 5. Start Your Personalized Live Stream

Once you complete all the customizations, you can start your live stream. At the window’s top right corner, hit the “Start livestream” button to initiate your live stream.

start livestream through virbo live


Watching MLB matches is always fun for viewers, but it becomes hectic when facing region-based restrictions. To overcome those limitations, this article introduces free MLB streaming sites. With these platforms, you can watch all the matches on any device from anywhere. Besides, we have introduced you to Virbo Live, which can assist you in creating your live streams with different AI functions.

Free TV Streaming: 9 Sites You Need To Know

The consumption of entertainment has transformed in recent years. Many people now watch shows and movies online instead of watching them on TV. Audiences are turning their viewership to the convenience offered by online streaming services. These free streaming websites for TV shows have diverse types of content, from old favorites to brand-new ones.

They can help you watch stuff even if it is unavailable in your area. Read this article to learn the best free TV streaming sites that have captured the attention of viewers worldwide. Also, we’ll explore the top platform to make your promotional live-streaming video for TV shows.

free streaming services for tv

Part 1. Why Do People Prefer Using Streaming Services To Watch Their Favorite Shows?

Are you tired of sticking to TV schedules? To give you more timing and content choices, many free live TV streaming sites are available nowadays.Lots of people have already switched to streaming services and love them. Other than that, free streaming websites for TV shows provide a highly personalized experience.

These sites let us watch our favorite shows according to the user’s convenience. You can access multiple shows and movies, from funny sitcoms to big action films. We can watch streaming services on different devices, like our phones, tablets, or our TVs. Also, these sites deliver content faster than any other available option.

Part 2. Top-Rated Free Streaming Websites for TV Shows in 2024

Finding the exemplary service to watch an entire show for free is essential. Many platforms claim to be free but often sneak in extra costs you might not expect. Let’s explore the top-rated free live TV streaming sites to ensure you get a good deal without breaking the bank:

1. Tubi TV

Tubi TV is one of the biggest free streaming websites for TV shows and movies in the US. The TV show services this platform provides are free and legal to use. It has over 20,000 TV shows and movies on Android apps, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, and smart TVs. You can watch classics like The Terminator and newer hits on this streaming site.

Also, it enables you to enjoy binge-watching popular TV series with minimal ads. You can browse its friendly interface by genre or search for something specific.

tubi tv streaming service and site

2. Pluto TV

On Pluto TV, you can watch live TV channels and high-quality movies. This site has over 250 channels covering news, sports, movies, reality shows, and more. Thousands of movies and TV series are also available on demand for US audiences.

Plus, users can browse different categories for shows and movies for personalized viewing. It is regularly updated by adding new and popular shows to always give viewers something new to watch.

pluto tv streaming service and site

3. Apple TV+

Viewers looking to watch Apple TV+ exclusive series opt for this platform. This live TV streaming site offers fewer shows and movies than other services. There’s no free version, but you can try it out with a free trial before subscribing.

Apple TV+ even allows fans to stream live sports like MLS with a low latency rate. Other than that, you can watch this streaming service on different devices.

apple tv streaming service and site

4. Roku TV

The Roku Channel has a vast library of 10,000 movies and 150,000 TV episodes. With over 350+ free live TV channels, there’s always something exciting to watch. You can find popular films and classic TV shows on these diverse free streaming websites for TV shows.

Plus, you can access 100+ free local channels like FOX25 Boston and NBC News New York. People of all ages and preferences can enjoy its live news, weather updates, sports, and reality TV.

roku tv streaming service and site

5. Hulu Plus Live

Hulu Plus Live is an excellent choice for those who want both live TV and on-demand shows. It gives you over 90 live TV channels, including local ones like ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox. Also, you get access to its on-demand library, which has some of the most popular TV series available for viewers.

With this free live TV streaming siteyou’ll get HGTV, Comedy Central, TLC, USA, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. Also, this service offers unlimited DVR storage and two simultaneous stream options.

hulu plus tv streaming service

6. Amazon Freevee

For free live TV streams, you can use Amazon Freevee, which has original shows in different languages. They have a mix of popular titles and original content, including free channels you can watch with ads. You can get a wide of TV shows in various genres like comedy, drama, suspense, and animation.

Anyone can watch Freevee through the Prime Video app if they already have Amazon Prime. Otherwise, download the app on Amazon Fire TV, mobile phones, Xbox, PlayStation 5, and smart TVs.

amazon freeware tv streaming service

7. Sling Freestream

Another prominent free streaming website for TV shows is Sling TV, which lets you watch live TV and on-demand shows. You can pick the TV package that works best for you, including options to add extra channels. It offers over five hundred live TV shows and access to other on-demand shows and movies.

Users can enjoy various channels like ABC News, VH1 I Love Reality, and Nick Jr. But, if you have an account, you can use parental controls to manage what your kids watch.

sling freestream tv streaming service

8. Plex

If you want to get a diverse form of TV channels, Plex has you covered. It has more than 600 free live TV channels in different categories. Users can access TV shows, interesting documentaries, and exciting sports events. They also have more than fifty thousand free movies and shows to choose from.

With features like Discover Together, users can connect with friends and discover new content. Plex works on all your favorite devices like Apple, Android, and Smart TVs.

plex tv streaming service and site

9. Popcorn Flix

Popcorn Flix lets you watch live TV streams online for free on all your devices. You will be able to access a collection of multiple movies for free. Moreover, you can find shows in different categories, including comedies, dramas, horror movies, and more.

Plus, the video quality is pretty good at 720p HD. There are ads before each movie and sometimes during, but they’re not too frequent for a free service.

popcorn flix tv streaming service

Platforms Variety of Channels Hidden Purchases Ad-Free Ease of Use
Tubi TV 200 Above No X
Pluto TV Up to 250 No X
Apple TV+ Over 50 $10 after seven days X
Roku TV Over 350 Only pay for subscription to apps
Hulu Plus Live More than 90 $77 X
Amazon Freevee Over 400 No X
Sling Sling Orange: Over 30 Sling Blue: Over 50 $40 X
Plex More than 600 $4.99/month X X
Popcorn Flix Over 50 No X

Part 3. How To Make Your Own Promotional Live Streaming Video for TV Shows?

Making your live videos to promote TV shows is helpful to get people excited about your favorite series. These videos allow you to connect with viewers in real-time and get them interested in watching your beloved shows. Using live streaming, you can discuss and promote TV shows interactively. Adding realistic elements to your live videos can make them even more engaging.

Wondershare Virbo Live is a fantastic tool for creating promotional videos. It has powerful features such as lifelike AI avatars to make your videos more personal and appealing. With its support for different languages, you can grab the attention of audiences worldwide. Create a perfect live-stream video for your favorite TV shows and present them on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms.

Prominent Characteristics of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. You get several engaging streaming templates and backgrounds on this live-streaming tool.
  2. It generates a captivating promotional script to motivate users to watch your beloved TV show.
  3. The tool lets you drive the AI streamers to speak in real time by connecting and speaking into a microphone.

Steps of Making a Stream Room via Wondershare Virbo Live

After knowing the impact of free live TV streaming siteslet’s learn how to make your steam room. Let’s discuss the detailed method of promoting any TV program through an engaging live stream.

Step 1. Start Creating a Livestream Room

To start promoting TV series with AI streamers, access this tool online. Click the “Create Stream Room Now” button from its homepage, which will direct you to a new window. Here, choose the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” at the top to enter a window with multiple features.

create livestream across virbo live

Step 2. Use AI Smart Scripts for Your TV Show

Hit the “AI smart script” button on the left in the upcoming window. A dialogue box will appear, requiring the details for your TV series. Here, add its name, features, and promotional information. Afterward, opt for your desired promotional language and style before pressing the “Generate” button. Then, use this generated script to speak out loud through AI avatars.

create ai script for video

Step 3. Select AI Avatars and Customize Background To Go Live

Next, select avatars from the available options by tapping the “AI avatars” tab. If you switch to the “Background” tab, you can modify the outlook of your presentation. Once satisfied, head to the top right and select the “Start livestream” button. Your promotional video is ready to go live for its audience to learn about the upcoming TV show.

add ai avatar and background


We conclude that there are many free streaming websites for TV shows available. Throughout the article, we explored the popular choices for watching TV series and movies. If you want to promote your TV show, consider using Wondershare Virbo Live. Also, the tool works in different languages and can be used on major social platforms.

Part 3. How To Make Your Own Promotional Live Streaming Video for TV Shows?

Making your live videos to promote TV shows is helpful to get people excited about your favorite series. These videos allow you to connect with viewers in real-time and get them interested in watching your beloved shows. Using live streaming, you can discuss and promote TV shows interactively. Adding realistic elements to your live videos can make them even more engaging.

Wondershare Virbo Live is a fantastic tool for creating promotional videos. It has powerful features such as lifelike AI avatars to make your videos more personal and appealing. With its support for different languages, you can grab the attention of audiences worldwide. Create a perfect live-stream video for your favorite TV shows and present them on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms.

Prominent Characteristics of Wondershare Virbo Live

  1. You get several engaging streaming templates and backgrounds on this live-streaming tool.
  2. It generates a captivating promotional script to motivate users to watch your beloved TV show.
  3. The tool lets you drive the AI streamers to speak in real time by connecting and speaking into a microphone.

Steps of Making a Stream Room via Wondershare Virbo Live

After knowing the impact of free live TV streaming siteslet’s learn how to make your steam room. Let’s discuss the detailed method of promoting any TV program through an engaging live stream.

Step 1. Start Creating a Livestream Room

To start promoting TV series with AI streamers, access this tool online. Click the “Create Stream Room Now” button from its homepage, which will direct you to a new window. Here, choose the “Create a Blank Livestream Room” at the top to enter a window with multiple features.

create livestream across virbo live

Step 2. Use AI Smart Scripts for Your TV Show

Hit the “AI smart script” button on the left in the upcoming window. A dialogue box will appear, requiring the details for your TV series. Here, add its name, features, and promotional information. Afterward, opt for your desired promotional language and style before pressing the “Generate” button. Then, use this generated script to speak out loud through AI avatars.

create ai script for video

Step 3. Select AI Avatars and Customize Background To Go Live

Next, select avatars from the available options by tapping the “AI avatars” tab. If you switch to the “Background” tab, you can modify the outlook of your presentation. Once satisfied, head to the top right and select the “Start livestream” button. Your promotional video is ready to go live for its audience to learn about the upcoming TV show.

add ai avatar and background


We conclude that there are many free streaming websites for TV shows available. Throughout the article, we explored the popular choices for watching TV series and movies. If you want to promote your TV show, consider using Wondershare Virbo Live. Also, the tool works in different languages and can be used on major social platforms.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved Live Selling A Comprehensive Starters Guide
  • Author: Jeff
  • Created at : 2024-06-15 01:18:38
  • Updated at : 2024-06-16 01:18:38
  • Link: https://ai-live-streaming.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-live-selling-a-comprehensive-starters-guide/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated 2024 Approved Live Selling A Comprehensive Starters Guide